Hi admin I am a lady age 26 sibahlanu ekhaya ndiza emva - TopicsExpress


Hi admin I am a lady age 26 sibahlanu ekhaya ndiza emva kobhuti -28. I am a graduate ndiyakhangela umsebenzi but okwangoku ndincedisa kwi business yalapha ekhaya utata une Construction company enkulu. ndikhule kunevenkile nale company isenxinxi ngoko utata ke wenze Civil engineering and Business studies apha ekhaya umama notata babethanda ukundibisa kakhulu ithi yakufunyanwa imali yasevenkileni kungathwa sorry suke kuthwe mhlawumbi zezitshomi zam ndiza nazo. here is the most recent incident which drove me away from home, umama is not full time in the business uyasebenza utata was sick njengomntu oncedisana naye I had to be hands on full time and make sure zonke branches zisebenza right kuba ke ngu tata ojongene ne finances for zonke ezi branch. kule business yasekhaya andiqeshwanga ndiyancedisa andiphiwa ne cent funeka ndide ndicele kumama for ukwenza intloko mind u most of the time I dont even get enough time to hustle kusukwe kuthwe kudingeka umntu utata uthi uyedwa. mandisuke ke kokokuzinekela kwam ndizama ukuqiniseka yonke into ihamba ngendlela utata abuye andibone ndiyazinikela ndenze auditing ke mnake esikolweni utata ukuba ebefuna ebenondifaka uxolelele ukuqesha external auditors xa eyidinga. kwenzekile ke utata angabinampilo for 3 months I had to run the business including finances kuba nguye umntu ozenzayo. it was difficult I took it as a challenge, and an opportunity to prove myself kuye, I tried my best nomama wancoma ke endibona ukuzinikela. wabuya utata the first thing he did was to ask for the auditor to audit and the audit ya buya qualified, hayke mntaka Bawo I was shocked nam andayazi kwenze njani something almost to million engaveliyo yenzeni azange bethuna ndiyitye nam andazi ndenze njani. wane drama utata wabiza nomama umama wandijonga kakubi ngathi ndilisela nyhani wanomsindo I tried to explain utata wandihlalisa phantsi wandicenga ndiyikhuphe ingxaki ayikho kum mna andinamali mhlawumbi I misuseg it kwapha kwi company yakhe kuba ke I was struggling pha na phaya but ndicele umama andicebise nje zendenze njani. My Dad call the cops afika amapolisa wachaza she is openning a case against me ye theft, ndathathwa ndowuvalelwa ndabangacenga umama ndisithi athethe naye kwacaba uxakiwe, I was dragged by the cops kabuhlungu ndisala ukukhwela when I got police station ndavalelwa ke ndakhululikswa imitya ne belt ndahlala 2 weeks yonke kunuka kubanda I couldnt even eat ndingahlambi ndikhale ndade ndayeka. xa zileqa 3rd week my boyfriend managed to get lemali ye bail wayibhatala ke okwangoku ndisengaphandle 13 November ndiyovela court. Ndiphumele ekhaya ngalamhla ndiphumayo ndagxothwa ndapakisha ke umama ukhona uthule uzenza ngathi yanqanda ayicaci nalento ayenzayo my big brother is renting a place for me I am worried angasuke adikwe or afumane influence kutata, xa enoyazi nguye obhatalayo my boyfriend is assisting me naye he offered ndihlale naye but bhut wathi hay thats not an option. kulolohlobo bakhayaya ndicela nindithandazise gqwethwa ndinalo brother we boyfriend but ndisenovalo andazi kuzakwenzeka ni ndine worry ye criminal record if I could be found guilty ndizawuphangela kwabani mhla ndaphuma kulo prison. ndicela nindincede bethuna ngemithandazo nje qha. thanks admin.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:01:45 +0000

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