Hi chloe, i hope youre well. i am writing to you as i need some - TopicsExpress


Hi chloe, i hope youre well. i am writing to you as i need some help regarding damp issues, structural issues and electrical issues in a council rented property. we are a family of ages 7, 27 and 35 and should all be fit and healthy, however we are all constantly tired and feeling sniffly and headachy and generally run down. i have health issues which mean ill be on medication for the rest of my life. my daughter has issues with sleep and concerntration at school and having extra tuition for all main subjects at school. my partner has back pain trubles and constant headaches and tiredness. this is all unhelped by the confirmed damp we have in all rooms of our home. i have informed the council of this many times and they say they understand that its a health risk and a danger for people to live here but still refuse to move us. everyday i clean and tidy our home but with the thick mould caused by the extreme damp reforming every 2-3 days its all just seeming pointless. while im cleaning i am breathing in the spores which in itself is dangerous. mine and my partners bedroom smells very strongly of mould and wetness. in the last year from the same bedroom we have had to replace our chest of drawers 3 times due to them collapsing through wetness and mould everything inside them being full of moisture. i have to change our bed linen 3 times a week due to it feeling sticky, damp and very cold to get into. our wardrobe cost £800 around 7-8 months ago and and is now covered in mould stains and the wood backing is warped and very soft feeling. it has got so heavy with moisture that it has dropped down and detached itself the frame of the wardrobe. the clothes in the wardrobe are cold sticky and having to be washed regularly even though they havent been worn to try to keep them in a normal condition. we have had to throw away a lot of clothes and shoes due to these uninhabital conditions. our ceiling has damp on it too. if i dont clean our bedside tables for 4-5 days they form a green dusty layer of mould thats very smelly and i breath it in while cleaning. i had slippers on the bottom of the wardrobe and they were so wet i rung the water from them. me and my partner are both heavily job hunting at the moment and are receiving jsa for now, so cannot afford the cost of replacing clothes and having to use so many cleaning products and so much washing powder etc let alone having to replace the furniture and clothing etc that is getting ruined within weeks of having them. because of this cost we can not afford to have the heating on very often which doesnt help any of us with our health issues. my partner and i often skip our evening meal to try and save the money. we try as hard as we can to keep our home looking, smelling and feeling nice but our efforts are useless with the conditions we are having to live in. the man that lives in the flat above us has had 2 major leaks this year one of which happened this morning. which on both occasions has come through into our flat and left our ceiling wet and caused puddles of water on the floor. the leak that happened this mornig has completely penetrated the ceinling above our sofa. we now have the added worry of the ceiling falling ontop of us due to the man having a 6ft by 4ft fish tank on top of it. if it falls through it will without doubt kill anyone underneath it. all other rooms have mould in the corners at the top and bottom which is thick black and green mould and smells awful. we have to keep our windows and vent open at all times to try and get fresh air circulating but the second they are shut the smell comes back. we are in desperate need of help to get out of these conditions. we all ill and run down and cant take anymore. please help us. thankyou,
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:15:10 +0000

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