Hi, everyone. I was asked to let you know the following - TopicsExpress


Hi, everyone. I was asked to let you know the following information by the person related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. It seems very interesting! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are looking for joiners for the FREE CULTURAL SEMINAR for foreigner about Japanese food. This tour was decided to be held at the last minute of the project, and can accept 40 more people. If you can help us spreading information to the foreigners in Japan, we would highly appreciated. Please see the details below. ○イベント名: 『和食を極める』★JAPAN「これが、『食の国』のチカラ」 ●Name of the Tour: Become a “WASHOKU” Expert - The Power of Food Kingdom ○キャンペーン名(上記イベントを含む) 食と農林漁業の祭典 JAPAN FOOD FESTA 2013(主催:農林水産省) ●Name of the Campaign(including this tour): The Festival of Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (Organized by: The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) Official Web: foodfestival.jp/ Official Facebook Page: https://facebook/foodfestival.jp ○事業主旨 日本の農林漁業・食品産業・農山漁村がもつ素晴らしい価値を国内外に広く伝えることを目的として、2012年初めて開催。全体では延べ約35万人の方にご来場いただき、日本の「食」と「農林漁業」のすばらしさをアピールしました。今年も、11月を中心として、この国が持っている食の実力を、世界へ向けて発信していきます。 ●Purpose of the Project Under the concept of “linking producers and consumers, and Japan and the world,” the following event is to be held with the objective of widely showcasing at home and abroad the value of Japan’s agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and food as well as the value of rural areas, reconstructing the Japan brand, and thereby revitalizing the rural areas. The event was first held in 2012, and had 350,000 people participated in total. ■事業の概要 Event Overview 1.事業内容 うまみの基本とだしづくりを学びます。日本食「和食」のコンテンツを知る勉強をする老舗巡り。日本橋三越本店内を「和食」をテーマに専門のガイドが案内する「和食の王道」に触れ、老舗の『うまみ』でおもてなしを堪能するツアー。  Objective of the tour:   To learn the basic of “Umami” and “Dashi” by visiting the traditional stores of Japanese foods and stores in Mitsukoshi Nihombashi. 2.日時 2013年11月1日(金)(※1日/4回開催) 10:45/12:45/14:15/15:45 Date/Time: November, 1st, Fri, 2013 10:45/12:45/14:15/15:45 (4 Groups X 2 hours) 3.訪問場所 日本橋三越本店、㈱にんべん、㈱山本海苔店 Place to Visit:    - Special Team Room in Mitsukoshi Nihombashi    (mitsukoshi.co.jp/shop?EcLogicName=storeinfo.storetopInfo&tenpoCd=10 )    - Ninben (Dashi - ninben.co.jp/english/company/)   - Yamamoto Noriten (Nori - yamamoto-noriten.co.jp/english/) 4. 人数/対象 各回15名/外国人 Target: Foreigners. *If his/her partner is a Japanese, she/he can also join. #of attendant: 15 X 4 Groups 5. 参加方法: WEBからエントリー/ 申し込み先: bit.ly/19SV5I9 How to Register: Web Entry @ bit.ly/19SV5I9
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 05:39:07 +0000

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