Hi everyone. My mother rescue a traumatized French Bulldog 2 years - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone. My mother rescue a traumatized French Bulldog 2 years ago. She had been poisoned and neglected. This little dog wees (and poos) all the time. She has been thoroughly assessed numerous times for her health and there is nothing to suggest a reason. Mum thoughts are she was never given water or food so when ever she finds water she drinks till she is sick and then constantly wees, also if she cant find water she wees to drink it! Its a very Obsessive compulsive behavior and mum has to entertain and watch her 24/7 otherwise she just wees and poos to drink and eat and throw up. My mum is sleep deprived and has no ideas left to try. I am new to Young Living, I have ordered a few books on this subject. But does anyone have any advice to share. Was also thinking about a diffuser for her collar. This isnt a story about an odd wee or poo in the house, this is a little dog with no quality of life not enjoying anything just in a horrid cycle, any help would be hugely appreciated :) I have the everyday oils kit and a few others.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 23:24:02 +0000

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