Hi my name is Liliana i am 25 years old ,and this is my testimony. - TopicsExpress


Hi my name is Liliana i am 25 years old ,and this is my testimony. At the ages of 8-12 i was touched inappropiatley by family members. I never spoke about this till now something ive struggled with most of my childhood. At the age of 9 i had early depression signs per the reason that my parents got divorced and i hated them both for a very long time.Especially cus they both live in different cities did not help moving from San Jose to Fresno back and forth was not fun!Especially being young and going through emotions and starting to grow up and finding an identity. At the age of 12 i fell in love for the first time and it wasent what i thought it would be i expected love to be great lol it had its ups and downs for years.. Then i met my daughters father and got married at the age of 18 i jumped into the relationship without being in love and not knowing him, soon after that abuse began..... I got beaten mentally physically and emotionally this lasted off and on for 6 years. I filed for divorce 2 years into our marriage. Because of that relationship my depression would spiral out of control i would isolate myself from everyone and start cutting myself because i felt that pain was an exit for me. I started to become suicidal and didint want nothing to do with what we call life.I had to think about myself and my daughter.. so for my daughters sake i decided to work it out again. He raped me got pregnant with my 2nd baby and shortly after had a miscarriage.One of the most toughest things ive had to go through and at the time newly saved thats were my faith was being tested to see how strong it was.I left him and and met a new person who i started dating right away and i thought was true love little did i know he would go behind my back cheat on me and manipulate me and mess with my head , and make me feel like things were my fault which in reality wernt.It got to the point were i would pray and fast that the lord would change him ,but instead of changing him he changed me. He opened my eyes to the truth and i got to see theyre true colors. Ive battled feeling alone for the longest time i would run to relationships cus i wanted to feel wanted and loved cus i felt i never got that as i was growing up.Ive battled and gone though hell and back ad yet still i stand! I wouldnt of gotten through what i have gon through without God by my side! He states in the bible These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.John 16;33. It may seem like i have my life together but i really dont! The reason why i keep pushing through is cus God and God alone i have a purpose to fulfill and its for his glory! This was defenitly not easy writing this ,but its a start. With God all things are possible!! More to come this is only the begining!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:31:05 +0000

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