Hi people! Sry sry ssssssryyyyyyyyyy , I was going to post this - TopicsExpress


Hi people! Sry sry ssssssryyyyyyyyyy , I was going to post this last night but had to sleep to wake up early today , to get ready to reach here at dadas farmhouse n eum iv switched on my mob also. Hey thankiu mes bros adorés for doing all the work here @ dadis annual khattam so dat we gurlzzz rest like princess! Wat? Besides , we dont know how to properly do a task , dont usually do household chores- eum ok I did try to serve the people wid spoon n forks , wat? I dont eat bare hands , I always eat wid these + knife too! Sry bros , sry sis 4 vanishing like this! bon huh pa besoin dêtre faché avec moi , mom ki pu plus faché la- @ home ma chambre ene super depotoire , thank god we got a prayer room ,pffffffffffffffff such a mess , all clothes , shoes , bags ,my credit cards , watches ,perfume ,vitamin tabs , my keys ,my Parker pens , xmz papers ,law books, cases ,oh oh our bible The Constitution of MRU is lying under my race films Fast & Furious , are scattered all around , my doll like wedding dress is still there!duno how iv been sleeping on my bed all these days , such a state , duno wats the bed sheet or couette!@ least Iv placed the heater on my table!guys Im sure ur football n basketball dont hang on ur treadmill exerciser or ur newly ordered lawyer robe lying on the massage part of ur exerciser , but mine do!hmmm la mo pu conne la si mo besoin cherche mo laptop , its been days iv not seen it , or better its charger or my mob charger! O moins I know wer r my IPad , Ipod & iPod player chargers , biensur these r basic needs! The rest eum I simply duno wer they r ! Hahahaaaa! Iv nevr let my room be so messy , I hate mess, its the first tym evr mayb bcuz of final yr xmz , wat to do? nothing matters before studies ,moms def gonna scold me but hey were on holidays ! 1 wik from last xmz!Happy holidays! Great start! iv always luvd adrenaline rush !car racing , parachute sailing , water surf , speed , I ahhh enjoy the passion in them! Its wow! Dats y I like Fast & Furious ! This is real lyf race! This adrenaline rush ! This speed! speed that makes ur blood rush thru ur veins as if u can hear it till ur ear! Luv it cuz its real race , it has killed its actor Paul Walker shooting for FF7 , cant even recognise his face after the crash of the red Porsche. Killing speed but at least its real , not like all bogus car race films.Vin Diesel huh! Like him , he does follow my favorite motto FIRST WORK HARD , THEN PLAY HARD(thankiu bro 4 the well chosen songs)Yea I like him apart from his face , wat a man! The speed he changes gears & races a car whuuuuuw the way he races that car attached to the vault alone on that bridge in Fast Five! Whuuuuuw ! Ahhhhh like! Like! Like! , the way he uses his mind in the worst moment n makes the most impossible work - intello mind , n luv the way he is- bad boy that got a code , i.e respect for his family & a soft heart for his gf , that gf whose place he nevr gives to any other woman- very few bad boys got this rare code. Thats all wat makes him interesting apart from his face!of course , wat did u think? I didnt forget my perfecto actor William- perfect face , perfect body , perfect height! Without any plastic surgery as Indian actors do, my Spanish actor is made handsome from the hands of god , the perfect wow look! Sry 4 vanishing these days , was in a full depression mode , IM IN LOVE! COMPLETELY IN LOVE WID S! TRULY , MADLY , DEEPLY , ANYTHING U WANT! ( hey sounds like my favorite romantic song Truly , Madly , Deeply Savage Garden )Im just in luv.....ahhh S...my bb...my man , sry Zaiine, sry guys I cant see anyone or anything apart from S , Im in luv wid everything abt him...thankiu Shayaan , thankiu bro 4 bring so supportive towards my luv , said even welcome him in our group , mayb in our closed family group on fb...heartfelt , I rily appreciate.but hey hey bros dont mk the mistake of thinking that iv forgotten his insults or his moms, I nevr forget anything esp my first ever insults. Honestly I do wonder somtymz , how can they hurt someone , forget me , theyve hurt the most important person in my life- mom n then live as if nothing has ever happened , duno how many tym they did this wid other persons before me n the shocking part in it is that now that Ramadhan is nearing , theyll be the first ones to fast n pretend to die hard 4 Allah , dont they no dat the least hurt u inflict on a person , forget fasts , god does not even accept ur prayers. Wat religion r they proud to follow huh? The Prophet was the most blessed man on this earth by Allah , yet did he boast? No! He was the most humble man , he even forgave the non Muslim enemies , the Jews wo bled his feet wen they threw rocks on him n here these people r openly insulting others , hurting others & pretending to follow the religion of Islam & its Prophet? Wo r they fooling , themselves or Allah? Makes me laugh! Only Allah can judge them now. Niwé , I am sure that Ive done nothing wrong before god l iv nevr played wid him , y wud I?i still remember how after seeing him @ wedding December last , I created my first ever fb a/c jus to know him...I didnt admit it to u all but the reason behind creating my fb a/c ( which unfortunately got deactivated ) was S , only him.was doing my dissertation but had to keep it aside just to read @least one of his posts daily...iv read them so many tymz as if I was learning them by heart dat till now I still remember some of them fully...I fell in luv wid his posts , fell in luv wid the way he writes them , fell in luv wid his likes , n I fell in luv wid him...yea I fell in luv wid him! Wid S!honestly I just give a damn to whoever guy I see but S...his eyes are like I nevr cud forget them...that too for years...the first tym I saw him wen I came here was as if something pricked me inside , I was such a fool not to realise dat I felt luv for him! It was Cupids arrow straight in my heart! after this ,each tym I saw him was such a rush of blood inside , felt my hrt beat faster than usual , this is pure adrenaline rush much more than anything but I didnt like it- I had promised myself nevr to feel anything like luv for any guy after my ex...but S...duno how he does it but I simply cudnt resist him...I duno it has always been sth strong that links me to him , be its childhood friendship , or the dislike I felt wen I talked rudely to him , or the luv he makes me feel , or that passionate want for him wen he is away from me... watevr he makes me feel , iv nevr in my lyf felt a bit of it for any other guy...iv nevr even felt it that strong for my ex...S...ahhh my man...only I know how I live without him everyday...missin him every sec...wanting to be entirely his , only his...like a fire that sets me ablaze...dying for him...y did he go away?y ? y? Y?! I swear I had done nothing of wat he accused me ,I was nevr playing wid him , n wid whom will I do this - Me wo give a damn to guys , me wo havent got a single fb friend , me wo created my fb a/c just for him sometymz I think dat now dat he is already gone , then wats the purpose of keeping a fb a/c , should cancel it.my tears fall wen I remember dat iv always kept on telling him nevr to go away from my lyf ,but he finally went away..without giving me @least one chance to explain myself , even a criminal is given a chance to justify himself , to be heard by the judge in a court of law ( Chapter II section 10 (2) (d) Constitution of Mauritius1968 -hey cannot forget this , one of our fundamental human rights!) but iv only luv S wid all my hrt...luv which he makes me feel...today like tomorrow whoever il becum, wherever il be , my dearest wish will always be to live a life wer he is wid me...a life wer every morning I wake up seeing his face n every night I sleep in his arms n give him all of my myself..all my luv...thats all I ever wish for...god I luv S...i luv my baby so much...dying for him...cant he come back? Cant come back plz...plz tell him to come back in my life...plz plz plz.....cant he come back plz...plz tell him to come back in my life....plz...plz...plz.....I wud do jus anything for him to come back in my life..just anything...everything that pleases my man..ahhh S...he drives me so crazy abt him! Want to show him how much I luv him...want to feel him so close to me...once......at least one sec...once...just for one sec...just once...only once....hmmmmmmmmmmmm he makes me feel so much luv...dat I duno wat il do if he comes near me...he makes my hrt beat sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast...he makes me feel so much inside of me...so much luv.... I want him to hold me so close to him...want to admire his face...his eyes...want to hear his voice...want to feel him...feel the odour of his skin...feel the warmth of his breath...caress his lips wid mine...kissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss him wid all my passion...feel the touch of his hands on my every part of my body....eum lets stop here! God I luv him... أنا احبه i luv him...lo amo...I luv him...lo amo...plz cant he come back...plz...I luv him so much...the only thing I know is dat S is the luv of my life , the only man I want in my life is S ; if not him , then I dont ever want any other man. Ses insultes...biensur ke je ne les oublie pas... peutêtre jamais. But guys , I nevr forget the biggest lesson of my life : live this life to the max without any single regret , the only condition being never do bad to others. this is not only a lesson , each n every word of it is engraved in me. Dats y I had to talk to him, to know him , to apologise to him after I had talked rudely to him. No matter wat mom or sis say , of course now they r repulsive towards him & his people after wat he did & I def respect their opinions bcuz they r the most important persons in my life , but not once do I regret talk to S , try to know him or share wid him , no not even once do I regret it. Bcuz guys iv spent wid him such wow moments , such crazy nights , such warm mornings ,such sweet nothing fights , such hmmmm passion! He cant be bad , in fact wen he chatted late at night or early morning , he was somtymz sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable....ahhhh my baby....my man......These were among the best days of my life! I had to include his name in the acknowledgment part of my dissertation.Then how can I forget these wow days before some minutes insults? To hell wid his insults! life is too short for hatred. No no Im not not talking rubbish. 2012 - the yr iv seen death so close , that death which taught me that biggest lesson of my life ( above ). I still remember that night of 20 Nov wen I held the weak hand of dadi dying of cancer...I tried to hold her in my arms , she was so weak. remember bros how hard it was for me to prevent my tears..to tell dadi in her ear dat her grandchildren are soon going to be lawyers , n dat she cannot go away , she yet had to see us as lawyers in our robe...but it was the last night of her life.that night , I held death in my hands....I felt her want to live life , to rectify her regrets .Late that night wen u were all sleeping , she told me dat watever I do in my life , nevr do bad to others. I duno y she told me this , mayb she wanted us to carry on wat she always did , do good. ( nevr to hurt or do bad to others was sth so important dat dadi remembered to tell me this on her death bed but here living persons give a damn to this , they openly insult n hurt others! N not once do they regret their words! But theres always Allah watching over us right? ) These were her last words to me , the nxt morning she went away forever n amongst grandchildren I was told to give her mayyat ghusl , I sat beside her reading Quran & praying for her in big tears , but I cudnt forget once wat she told me , I had learnt the biggest lesson of my lyf. Here guys , I wanted to bring ur attention to sth - y do people feel repulsive towards those wo are suffering of cancer? Cancer is not a contagious disease , in fact y do we tend to forget dat anyone can develop it anytym , men women alike , young like old alike????!!!! In fact , I find this extraordinary to hold the hand of someone dying of cancer...bcuz then u realise that want to live...to live life! Without a single , not even one regret. Dats y I give a damn to his insults or his moms , I prefer remember the wow moments iv spent wid S. cmon guys weve been given only one life, we got to put aside our bad experiences n live this life to the max! We only have to be careful dat we dont do bad to others . N yea of course u all know wen Im saying living life to the max I mean to give ur very best in anything u do , be its ur luv or studies or work. Y? So that u dont have any regret , not even a single one ; so that u dont give urself the opportunity to say that wish I had.... or if only I had... N wat if u had a regret? So wat guys? Till u r living , anything is possible , just blv in urself. Rectify ur regret.theres always time for it. N live up ur life to the max! Guys , Im not lecturing u , I myself hate morales. Iv only shared the biggest lesson of my life which Ive witnessed : live up ur life to the max without a single regret. Like this song - Cest la vie. This song is vry important for me , esp after dadi passed away bcuz it truly interprets life. Very important song of my life. Cest la vie la la la la laaa! Yea unfortunately I got one regret , I rily regret dat he went away without giving me at least one chance , just a single chance to explain myself n to show him how much I luv him...mayb we wud have lived up such a passionate luv together...that rare luv that we feel only once in life...its was whuuuuuuuuw so romantic wen he first accepted my fb request on Valentines Day , I wrote to him. Our birthdays r so close , same year ,we r both Aquarius! Whuuuuuuw! 14 June wudve been 4 months since I talked to him , god! Y did he go away? want him soooooooooo much in my life! Want him back...I rily regret dat he went away...but I cant even do anything despite wanting to....he chose it...Im compelled to respect his wish....cant he come back....plz...plz...plz... Femme like U , luv luv luv luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv this song! Crazy abt it since its release! Eum how did u know il luv it , eum did u guys check my iPod or my IPad or my mob or did u ask sis? But thankiu Bros 4 dedicating it to me! N thankiu 4 all swwwwt comments , want gf like me but hey Femme like me + Homme like S.... Bt worry not bcuz gurlzzz die for u , mes bros adorés n now u r soon going to be lawyer , businessman. Btw wat the hell???!!!! Wats this bros????!!!!! Vous savez parfaitement bien ke je naime pas me donner en spectacle , je vous ai tjrs demander une discretion absolue sur ma vie ke ce soit ma carrière davocate ou mon nom de famille. Bro , I wudve strangled u had u posted our full surname! Thank god u mentioned only Baccus part. Of course Im proud of my surname , in fact very proud , n even of my Hitler Dad , bcuz no matter how arrogant he is of his name , status & wealth n watever marital probs he has wid mom , he has shaped me into a strong lady dat no guy can treat as tissue paper , different from these stupid fam ,n I cannot forget dat my face is his exact replica! But guys I prefer dat u dont share our surname , its private like our closed fb family group.Def bro , bizin dir sa? Of course I am all in to advocate us! free of charge! Hahaaaaa! Insha Allah well def make it for the next World Cup. Esp after the biggest Bday party of my life , my 25th one on 25 Jan 2017! This will be blast celebration , I promise! Well , thank god I dont hv any fb friend , I wudve strangled u for letting others know all this abt me , n thank god S has blocked me.at least like this , no one knows wo I am n wat I feel , let them insult me , hurt me as much as they want! Im thankful dat iv come to know abt them before they know abt me... Niwé , Im the last to send my list of holiday activities n its already one week since were on holidays , sryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Well , I dont have many activities bcuz Ramadhan is nearing n now we gotta start work professionally as well. Hmm shopping ,gym exercise , World Cup matches ( btw the Brazil mascot is dull n ugly )n our late night or weekend group parties as usual. Prayers sure. but but but but I also riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiily want to do these: Learn surf @ Flic-en-Flac or Gris Gris , I just luv sea ,waves n water!!!!! ( barbecue / grillade is on) Perfect my dance - mayb for this, join dance classes. Hmmmmm Arab culture believes dat a woman shud compulsorily know how to dance for her man , n shud dance only for him.soooooooo...... i rily want to dance one day wid my man , S...on my first crush song Tempted to touch...close to him... Spend a whole day on a cruise ship , experience a luxurious king size life for one day ,whuuuuuuuuww!- il get Dad to arrange this for us. Attend at least one of those private late night car races @ La Croisette.relying on u Shayaan to arrange this. Thats all. Coupled wid the lists of all of us + family get togethers like today here @ Dadas farmhouse , its more than enough for the holidays! Lets not forget dat we need to start plan for the blast Graduation celebration at near end of yr n Cuz siss bachelorette party in case her wedding is finalized for this end of yr. but hey wedding or no wedding , I hv already decided , n its final , dat I will be spending the whole last week of this yr 2014 @ Club Med , Albion. Iv been wanting this since so long , I jus luv the blue color the evening takes there , theyve made the decor in such a way dat wen night falls , its all blue there! Its wow amazing! Hmmmm at this blue hour in ur own private large swimming pool that is at such a height wer u can see the whole domain. Im def in there last week of 2014! We r def celebrating New Yr Eve 2015 together @ Club Med! Singing Sunny Sunny - blue hain paani paani- fits in well the blue atmosphere of the night there! N surprise guys , I want my own car this yr! I want my car! I want my car! N I want my Iphone 6! I want my iPhone 6! I want my iPhone 6! Im not interested in the other iPhones , they r dull! I want my Iphone 6! I want these this yr , I will def get them - hey these are legitimate rewards for my hard work! Want to live up n celebrate my lyf! One thing is for sure , however life may be successful n beautiful , it is never worth living n celebrating unless u have ur loved ones by ur side. This celebration is nothing without u- sis , bros n cuz. Luv u all a lot! Like it isnt also without my man S...luv him so much...so wat if he is not wid me , its as if he is in my veins...cannot forget him for a sec...quelle vie on mène quand on a 22 ans? Hahaaaaaa! Comme Cheb Khaled le dit , on va saimer , on va danser , cest la vie! Live up ur life to the max without a single regret! If u do hv one , u know wat u hv to do then- rectify it! ^_^
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 00:01:22 +0000

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