Hi, to all of you that have joined this campaign. I just want to - TopicsExpress


Hi, to all of you that have joined this campaign. I just want to thank all the group creators and admin Protectors and friends.,. For taking part in the Protectors, event Letter to the Queen of Denmark, it has been a great success. Next week we now have the final draft and all of those that have joined us in our campaign, will have there names added to our letter. Please feel free long after our event is over , to copy ,share , email our letter. We will keep the pressure up until , the Dolphins and Whales of the Faroe Islands swim in the peace and freedom they deserve...https://facebook/events/321480767977177/ To Your Royal Highness, Queen Margretha II of Denmark, and Prince Henrik, HrH The Prince Consort. With utmost respect we address this letter to you. It is often difficult for foreigners to understand the traditions belonging to other countries. When the suffering of animals is part of those traditions, this difficulty to understand is increased. For centuries folks living in the Faroe Islands, an area under your protectorate, have been practicing the slaughter of Pilot Whales. This tradition was said to have started roughly 1100 years ago, due to the Island being so isolated; the inhabitants used the meat and blubber as sustainable resources. Centuries ago this may have been understandable, but in 2014 the purpose of the tradition is seemingly no longer valid or necessary. Denmark is a country that prides itself on its victories and wealth, and it can be said that no Dane goes hungry, unclothed or without resources needed for survival. In this day, we see footage of ‘Pilot Whale graveyards’ around the Faroe Islands, where the remains of slaughtered whales are thrown and left for smaller sea life to degrade. This would be proof that the animals are not utilized to their fullest as they were in the past. Hence, we understand that the meat is no longer ‘life-saving’ to the Faroese people – it is instead ‘thrown to the fishes’ (for lack of a better term). It is difficult, also, to understand why any human being would willingly consume the meat of dolphins, or Pilot Whales, as it contains high levels of mercury (and other harmful toxins), said to cause neurological disorders in infants and, of course, leads to early degradation of the human body. This has been proven scientifically by professionals in the field such as Dr. Pal Weihe and Dogni Debes Joensen. Perhaps centuries ago they did not have the technology to asses such information, whereas now they do. Taking a look at footage of the slaughters that take place at the Faroe islands, it is nothing short of disturbing and horrific to see young children and mothers partaking in the event. Although Western, Asian and other European countries may have traditions of their own, it is doubtful that families with young children would ever be encouraged to witness such torture on innocent animals. It can be said that if children are too far desensitized to animal murders, they may never understand or feel the beauty of compassion. It can also be said that children can seldom determine between pain inflicted on animals over pain inflicted on other humans. Hence their watching such brutal acts may well lead them to the understanding that using such methods of torture is acceptable. What’s to say they will not try to inflict such pain on their siblings or others around them – perhaps even if only ‘out of curiosity’? If they are not educated into understanding that ‘killing is wrong’ it may never be ‘wrong’ to them regardless of species. The mind of a child is very fragile. While some may see dolphins as ‘fish’ or ‘sea-food’, this is far from the truth. Small cetaceans and sea-mammals are soon to be given nonhuman rights, meaning they are soon to be given rights that would place them on par with human beings – meaning the death of a dolphin or sea mammal by human hand would be regarded the same way the death of a human by human hand would be. We live in very upsetting times - not financially, not because some countries choose to go to war, but rather because some human beings on this planet have misunderstood their role here. Some may say that the human being is more superior to animals on Earth. However, in the case of cetaceans, there is a tremendous amount of information available regarding their perhaps superior status – meaning they have surpassed man’s evolution when it comes to use of the brain and emotions. Simply put, a human’s highest emotion, deepest joy, deepest fears, deepest sadness are felt by cetaceans on a daily basis. Hence, one can only imagine how they must feel to see their own family members slaughtered in front of them. We wish with all our hearts that this outdated tradition come to an end. It serves no purpose other than its being an ‘event’ that has always taken place. Imagine rather an event where all Danes ‘bob for apples’ or ‘climb the highest mountains’ to reveal their endurance and strength. It would be fun for the whole family. Countries that inflict pain on animals in the name of tradition need to come to the understanding that this planet, planet Earth, was indeed created for all beings. Is it not very selfish to believe that animals were only placed here for us to dispose of as we please? We ask you; have you ever seen a dolphin playing in the ocean, have you ever heard its singing, have you ever witnessed the family bonding and compassion – even for human begins in trouble? On countless occasions they have saved humans from shark attacks, purely because they sense that the human is distraught and they want to help. Did you know that cetaceans have a form of ‘x-ray vision’ and can determine the gender of a fetus inside a woman’s womb? They are indeed incredible creatures. They are not fish. They are too toxic to be eaten and they have feelings and emotions far beyond the likes of the human being. Please consider the heirs to your throne. Please consider that they may one day choose rather to see dolphins and Pilot Whales playing in the waters of the ocean, rather than being brutally massacred with hooks and knives. But will there be any left for them to see in the future? We ask you with all sincerity to please consider us, too. We are foreigners but we are also members of Earth. Cetaceans are migratory animals who chose, hundreds and thousands of years ago, to habituate in the waters instead of live on land. That was a wise decision then, perhaps, thinking they would be safe there. They do nothing to us, they do not cause us pain, and they do not deplete the amounts of fish in the oceans. They do nothing other than live happily in their pods. Perhaps we as humans are jealous of their happiness and freedom, as jealousy is often the cause of ill-feeling and abuse. In conclusion, a short summary of our request; we ask that you please ban the Pilot Whale slaughters in the Faroe Islands, an area under your protectorate. Please show the rest of the world that Denmark is not only about power and authority, it is also a country of compassion. Whether this is done in this century or the next, it will be done. The future generations will soon start to feel the pain inflicted on the animals, and will soon realize how very wrong it is. This will be due to the evolution of human consciousness. Our hopes lay with you for now. Please end the Pilot Whale slaughters in the Faroe Islands. Very Respectfully, Protectors of Dolphins and Whales.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 17:56:22 +0000

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