High Voltage Blog 30 Day Prayer Challenge Day 9, October 5, - TopicsExpress


High Voltage Blog 30 Day Prayer Challenge Day 9, October 5, 2014 “Remember these things, O Jacob, And Israel, for you are My servant; I have formed you, you are My servant, O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.” Isaiah 44:21 I believe that what we want the most is to be convinced of who God is. We are hungry to truly believe God—even in the face of all we see, hear, and feel. If I have some measure of faith, I’m not able to give it to you, no matter how convinced I am that He is who He says He is and how much I want you to have it. I know all the arguments that roll around in your head. I’ve heard them in mine. I’ve even screamed them at my car windshield driving down dark farm roads in the outskirts of Kansas City. No matter who you are and what you’ve experience in life, deadness and disbelief do not have to be the condition you contend with till you die. You can become convinced of who He is. Imagine a container of blue Play-dough. When it’s brand new it’s soft and easily shaped. Barely touching it leaves a fingerprint. When we are young, we get shaped and formed by the people and circumstances around us. Some of us are very fortunate to have been shaped by Godly people with tenderness and nurturing and without trauma – shaped so neatly and carefully and then put back into their safe containers with an air-tight lid and a kiss on the forehead each night. Some tender little cherubs, however, grow up in horrible situations, treated with no value. They are shaped, nevertheless! Those who are not valued are still every bit as malleable and pliable, but the hands shaping them are forming something different in their life. Since the very first human formed, we’ve all become a bit disfigured. Without God none of us have a chance of becoming what He intended. We are destined to force our now hardened play-dough into something that looks like what we see around us. If you are His, God gets the final word in your life. The more you give back to Him, the more you will become what He intended. There are times when the most blessed of all of us--those who grew up nurtured, protected, and shaped into Godliness, struggle and walk away from faith. And there are times when the least nurtured and least likely one among us grows up and becomes a pillar of strength, living a life of righteousness that shapes those around them. On this day, if you woke up feeling like the lid was left off your life and you’ve become dry, let Him hold you in His hands. Even 5 minutes a day will reshape your life. He wants to rewrite your story. Will you stop long enough to let Him? Scripture of the Day: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 Song of the Day: Write Your Story on My Heart, by Francesca Battistelli https://youtube/watch?v=ecV1NHmELuA
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:16:28 +0000

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