Hinny- A Halloween Headcanon Okay sweetie, be good now. Stick - TopicsExpress


Hinny- A Halloween Headcanon Okay sweetie, be good now. Stick with your brothers. Ginny kissed Lily. Ginny kissed Lily on the forehead softly and pushed her towards the door, where her brothers were waiting, all dressed as ghouls. Ginny had fashioned the costumes based on how her own familys ghoul, which had lived in the attic at The Burrow when she was growing up, had looked when Harry, Ron and Hermione had gone to look fr Horcruxes, and they had cursed the ghoul pretended it was Ron with Spattergroit as an excuse as to why he was not at Hogwarts. James, Al, look after your sister. Stick with your cousins, and make sure Rose doesnt get left behind, you know what shes like. Shed probably run home and have her nose in a book at first opportunity, making your Uncle Ron out of his mind with worry when she isnt there when he comes to pick you all up in Grandad Weasleys car. Harry instructed his sons, with a half stern, half amused look on his face. Teddy looked at his godfather, and Ginny could see in his eyes that something was troubling him. She discretely nudged Harry, who, spotting the look in his godsons eyes as soon as she nudged him, pulled him aside. Is everything okay, Teddy? he asked gently. Yeah... thanks. Teddy replied, avoiding his eyes. Hey, whats wrong? Harry probed, grasping Teddys shoulders. Well, its just.. I sometimes wonder, yknow? Whether things wouldve been different if Mum and Dad were still here, if Id be able to do half the things I can when Im with you and Ginny.. What with Dad and his, urm, problem.. And that upsets me, cause, yeah, Im not really a part of this family, but its the best Ive got, and I dont think its fair, how Dad was treated. I dont know.. Teddy hesitated. Harrys eyes softened, and Ginny saw that the others had realised to give them some space and were waiting outside, and she crouched down in front of Teddy too. Teddy. My father died when I was 1, so a little older than you were, you know the story.. and my dad was best friends with yours. And when I met your father again, he had to hide that he was a werewolf from me, because he was my teacher, but I found out, because Hermione was clever. But that never bothered us. And right until the end, he was treated unfairly, but he never let it bother him, he always did what he wanted, no matter what the risk. And of course things wouldve been different, but your father would never have let you have anything less than the best, and nor would your mother. They risked their lives the night they died to give you a better future, and they would have let you do whatever makes you happy. The only difference wouldve been that there would be more risk to your life.And as for our dads problem, when I told him that I dont care that hes a werewolf, that he just has a problem, he said that I sounded just like my father and Sirius, who referred to it as his furry little problem. I was your godfather before they died, and your parents were like family to me, so you wll ALWAYS be a part of this family. Always. Ginny confirmed what her husband had just said. Harry and Ginny hugged their godson, who seemed to feel a lot better after his godfathers speech. Teddy caught up with the rest of the children, and Harry and Ginny watched, arms round each other, as the majority of their family left, smiling and laughing along the way. ~☯ Owl ☯
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 18:05:36 +0000

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