Hip Joint Surgery Cost Increase Update: met an experienced - TopicsExpress


Hip Joint Surgery Cost Increase Update: met an experienced orthopod (also a hip guy) in Fishers yesterday..he explained in no uncertain terms that replacement joint (implant) cost has DROPPED significantly and consistently even as quality (including longevity) have vastly improved. Partly due to competition amongst suppliers. So why did the recent one (4/30/14) cost 2x the first one (8/20/13) to the tune of +$20k? The not for profit Parkview hospital will have to answer that. But since no profits to pay anyone, I must conclude they are wasting money for fun, or, as the Doc indicated, they mark stuff up (with no transparency) and use that margin to cover other costs (ahem, which an increasing number of now-insured and often very unhealthy others cant pay for). Cost shifting hits a new high. And the fun has just begun. Soon premiums for bigger plans like mine will feel the bite, as have smaller group insureds already. Insurance has always been a pooling of risk. But never before,without ability to price for that risk (underwriting) and with an almost unlimited ability to shift costs with far-inadequate funds collected to cover from the creator of those costs. Talk about lack of transparency. Yes, wed better find other ways to slow the true cost growth (wellness/proactive efforts by providers and participants alike, limits on outrageous liability, ID wastefulness, incentives for better outcomes). The conflict of interest thing is hard for me...there are those who would suggest I cannot have my clients best interest at the forefront since I must sell them something to get paid (a product or service; my time and expertise). Gee, I should apologize for helping them achieve their most important goals and be prepared optimally for anything? I shouldnt be paid for dozens of hours of time and expense (office,staff, licenses, regulatory oversight, supplies,computers, maintaining knowledge?) to be in a position to help them? Insulting,ridiculous, and Im just not ready to accuse docs and support workers of that. No doubt,providers have found other ways to try to maintain control over practices and finances as the govtt has yanked it away elsewhere. Not a good feeling..I know it well. Its outrageous the time and money we spend in my field because of a few bad apples and many amateurs. Focus almost entirely on cost vs. benefits (including the substantial cost of poor or non-existent planning and execution). Not a perfect system. Never will be, any more than auto sales or I-phones. But I sure as heck dont want yahoos in Washington DC with little knowledge and less accountability in charge of my health. Comical, if you think about how they run everything else. Argue,posture, hide. Lie.twist the truth. Point fingers. Award self raises and lifetime jobs and pensions and better healthcare set-up than what they just forced on everyone else. Ill go out on a limb and suggest many intentions are good. But who among the rest of us are rewarded for good intentions? Jeesh, enough. Sorry for rambling. This is just SOOO Bloody irritating. And frightening for our futures. Sooner or later, every one of us will be affected to an even greater extent by the shell game being played, vs.real change. Hope Ive done my small part to share whats really going on despite the spin we all hear from both sides.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:27:13 +0000

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