His name is Elton Mangoma, Deputy treasurer general of the - TopicsExpress


His name is Elton Mangoma, Deputy treasurer general of the Tsvangiai-led MDC, member of the National Council and Standing Committee and former minister of Energy during the government of national disunity (GND). Yes this man has been at the forefront of MDC policies together with Tsvangirai, our party president, vice president Thokozani Khupe, Tendai Biti, Nelson Chamisa, Douglas Mwonzora, etc, the top echelons of the movement. This man called Mangoma had the tenacity through his wisdom or lack of it or both to put forward a proposal asking Tsvangirai to step down as party president, how ironic and confusing at the same time. Clarity Cdes. Firstly Mangoma you need to be clear on where you really stand, are you now working with Zanu PF to derail the people’s project if not, where did you get the money especially if reports are true that you got $3 million to push Tsvangirai out of office (Mangoma has since denied dangling the $3 million carrot). I am personally glad that Tsvangirai refused to be a Judas Iscariot; he refused to sacrifice the hopes and aspirations of the whole nation by accepting tainted money from power hungry people. It’s weird that you seem to shoulder all blame on the party president, what about yourself? It is unfortunate that top leadership cadres like Mangoma want to use clandestine methods to fast track their way to the highest post in the movement without offering alternative leadership qualities or simple proposals for us the povo to even consider their wishful dreams. My only advice to you Mangoma, yes it is your democratic right to dream, but don’t do it to the detriment of the whole nation, keep your dimes and let the movement proceed, freedom is coming, and very soon, it is wise however, to contest against Tsvangirai rather than putting the leadership into “contextual renewal.” If you really believe you have the support within the party structures, why not prove it constitutionally rather than clandestinely writing articles that undermine the party leadership and put the leadership into disrepute for no reason. If you really want to lead the party then why not table your ideas, show leadership credentials, show us your grassroots support, show us how are you going to outwit Zanu PF, we can’t start just by removing someone without having a better alternative except dreams. We don’t run a country through dreams. I am actually very disturbed and saddened that Mangoma failed dismally to improve his political awareness or education over the years he has been actively involved in party leadership let alone policy formulation. Mangoma let me remind you that politics is a game of numbers especially in a democracy, not night meetings. It is very clear, Mangoma that Zanu PF fear Morgan Tsvangirai in a post Mugabe era. Who else in Zanu PF will stand a chance against Morgan Tsvangirai come 2018, the two dark horses in Zanu PF succession race, Ngwena and Teurairopa know very well, come rain or thunder they won’t defeat Tsvangirai in any democratic election. This is why there is a desire to see the back of Tsvangirai beforehand and parachute the likes of you and other overzealous cadres who are dreaming to be the commanders-in-chief tomorrow. Zanu PF is already in campaign mode for the 2018 Presidential elections and their number one agenda is to split the MDC like what they did back in 2005, they successfully used Welshman Ncube and cohorts but MDC remains steadfast and stronger and I have no doubt ngoma ndiyo ndiyo (let’s maintain the status quo) this time around, the movement lives on. So calling for Tsvangirai’s removal is a misguided initiative and lack of political wisdom at its best. Our elders taught us that haurashi mbereko nekufirwa (don’t lose hope). Mugabe is a political dinosaur when it comes to political organisation and party leadership. He acquired the skills over 40 years. For once I give him credit for managing Zanu PF well as a party leader contrary to his performance as chief executive of our nation. As such MDC leaders like Mangoma must learn how to manage party politics, failure is a collective thing not pinpointing. Mugabe was humiliated in 2008, he regrouped, trusted his wartime cadres, rigged elections with them and now everyone has a cabinet post. That’s what I call party political wisdom, so Mangoma what we need now is not frogmarching Tsvangirai to Buhera, people will beat him for neglecting them, we need to regroup under his leadership, guard against Zanu PF infiltration and most probably bringing back the likes of Job Sikhala in the fold, rejuvenate the youth through offering sound policies not blame game. What you did shows extreme leadership weakness, as part of the executive such issues remain locked indoors, kubata hana pachivanhu (let’s keep it to ourselves). We can’t afford another split, as it is the plot is already in motion to decimate the movement and hope this is not another master plan. Instead of calling for Tsvangirai’s head, it is vital to put more resources to support Luke Tamborinyoka and Douglas Mwonzora to disseminate information to the restive populace, though internet, newspapers, constructive writings to counter Nathaniel Manheru, Jonathan Moyo, Psychology Maziwisa etc. It is vital at this moment to inform the nation that indigenisation mantra was a dead donkey flogged around to win votes, promised civil servants salaries will never come to fruition because the nation is broke, Beam is dead because Chiadzwa revenues are nowhere to be seen. Yes we need to counter Zanu PF propaganda outside ZBC and its possible, very possible. People are not asking for Tsvangirai’s removal that’s a myth, all they want to know is where the nation is heading from now on. So we have a mammoth task to give hope to the nation, not giving credence to Zanu PF’s evil project to destroy the people’s movement.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:05:55 +0000

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