His thoughts about Entrepreneurship matches 100% with mine. I - TopicsExpress


His thoughts about Entrepreneurship matches 100% with mine. I had this fight with a few people where I tried to justify my employment in TCS. Deeptish and Sourav da are definitely 2 in the list. Entrepreneurship should just happen, within you and you should neither aspire to become one nor plan. The passion should remain. Entire 2011 and then complete 3 years in TCS up the line, I know what my passion is - Branding, meeting more people, reading and understanding data, content creation based on the data and packaging (photography being a part of it). Thats what I do using my blog. My blog is an experiment. The passion is there, however to explore. Talking about Entrepreneurship, my half hearted & failed attempt to it with my mama is no secret affair. Doctorportal did not even take off. 2014 had been kind, I did not repeat mistakes. The problems I tried solving - making youngest of minds understand the basics of photography techniques in the friendliest and easiest way. Identifying problems with bloggers based in Kolkata, how to further ones photography aspiration using blogging. Now that I am convinced of my passion, even then I do not want to start up right now. I want Kolkata Bloggers to grow full fledgedly, helping bloggers and content managers in this startup ecosystem. I also want it to be an educational resource. In TCS, I want to shift to Digital Enterprise wing (nullifying my 3 years SAP experience)_, as I believe I can add value to it. It is now completing its last rites. People in Digital Enterprise, TCS has been exceptionally receptive, kind and patient. I shall also be helping a very close friend, set up his business, strictly an offline business. All these 3 decisions are solving problems, based on experiences and Im passionate about it. cc: Arjyak, Ramasish, Surya. To startup in an ecosystem like that of Kolkata, you need people who are not lazy, punctual and those whom you can trust. I would want all my younger friends to WATCH this. cc: Sandip Chatterjee Sir.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 04:03:48 +0000

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