Historical Chronology of Palestine and Jerusalem. A must - TopicsExpress


Historical Chronology of Palestine and Jerusalem. A must read! 3,000 BC – Canaanites were the People of Palestine 2,500 BC – Canaanites around Jerusalem. Jerusalem was established by Jebusites, a Canaanite tribe. 2,000 BC – Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham [as] migrates to the land of Palestine/Jerusalem. 1842 BC – First mention of Jerusalem discovered in a text [Egyptian]. 1,700 – 1,500 BC – The rulers of Egypt called Hyksos invades Jerusalem. 1,350 BC – First mention of Jerusalem as a city state discovered in an Egyptian letter called the Tel Amarna letter. 1,250 BC – Prophet Mussa/Mosses [as] leads his people out of Egypt. 1,200 – A people from Greece called the Philistines occupy the Land of Canaan and most probably Jerusalem, and rule it for only 40 years. 1,200 – 1,020 – Jebusites rule the city of Jerusalem. 1,020 BC – Prophet Daud/David [as] fought a battle with the Philistines, destroyed them and established the Ancient Israel. 965 BC – Prophet Sulayman/Soloman [as] succeeds Daud [as] as the King of Israel. 922 BC – After Sulayman’s [as] death the Kingdom of Israel was split. Judea in the south with Jerusalem as its capital and Israel in the north (later called Samaria). 926 BC – Egyptian forces occupy Jerusalem. However, the house of David was allowed to flourish under Egyptian rule. 701 BC – Assyrians capture Jerusalem and make the whole of Judea a tributary state. 587 BC – Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon destroys Jerusalem including Sulayman’s [as] Temple. All Jews are either killed, exiled or taken prisoners. This marks the end of Israel after 400 years of its inception. 538 BC – Persian King Cyrus captures Jerusalem from the Babylonians and allows Jews to return as his ‘citizens’. The Jews re-built the Temple. 332 BC – Alexander the Great captures Jerusalem. 301 BC – Break up of Alexander’s kingdom. The Ptolemics of Egypt rule Palestine. 200 BC – Greek/Syrian Seleucids capture and rule Jerusalem. 169 BC – Seleucid King Antochius forbids the practice of Judaism. 167 BC – Macabbean [Jewish] revolt. Hasmonean dynasty is founded and the Temple restored. 134 BC – Syrians seize Jerusalem. 63 BC – Pompey, the head of the Roman Army captures Jerusalem. 70 AD – Titus the Roman General destroys the Temple. Jews are totally banished from Jerusalem. 135 AD – Emperor Hadrian captures Jerusalem and re-names it Aelia Capitolina and expels the remaining Jews. 326 AD – Constantine, the Roman Emperor becomes Christian. Christianity becomes the official religion of the Empire thus began the Christian era of Jerusalem. 614 AD – Persians under Khosras occupy Jerusalem. 628 AD – Heraclius the Roman Emperor re-occupies Jerusalem. 638 AD – The great Caliph Umar liberates Jerusalem. 1099 – Christian Crusades occupy Jerusalem. 1187 – Salaahideen re-occupies Jerusalem from the Crusaders. 1229 – Jerusalem is ceded by treaty for ten years to the Crusaders. 1239 – The Muslims regain control. 1243 – The Mongols invade Jerusalem. 1517 – Jerusalem comes under Muslim Ottoman rule. 9 Dec 1917 – The Ottomans surrender to the British. Jerusalem and Palestine become part of the British Mandate. 1948 – Al Nakba [The Catastrophe] occurs for the Palestinians. Britain evacuates from the Mandate land and the migrant Zionist terror groups destroy Palestinian villages and the State of Israel is founded. 1948 –1967 – Between 1948 and 1967, Israel controls West Jerusalem and Jordan controls East Jerusalem. 1967 – Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:43:22 +0000

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