..:: History of Shabqadar Shabqadar is the historical, - TopicsExpress


..:: History of Shabqadar Shabqadar is the historical, geographical and valuable place. It is also known as (Sikho Dheri). It is situated 25 Km away in the North West from the NWFP capital Peshawar. It is a part of District Charsadda (NWFP). At its west there is a hilly series of Mohmand Agency and to the East is the green areas of Doaba. At to its North is river Swat and its South is river Kabul. It’s area is 451946-6.8 Acre. And total population is more than 350,000. The main source of the population is agriculture. The local Government is headed by the Tehsil Nazim and is bringing local government and government functionaries including administering planning and financial activities over various development projects for the benefit of the masses like; allocation of funds for the various civics amenities, education, health care and agriculture etc. and its setup is comprised of 12 union councils. Tehsil Shabqadar is the most important valley due to its historical events, traditions, and historical places like Shabqadar Fort, Haji Akhtar Gul Mandi, the present Patwar Hana and some other buildings which were built in 18th century before Pakistan came into being. It is an area which has seen the ups and downs of different times. Generally it is difficult to say it that when and how it was established and populated. Its history is a big chain of stories which is taking numbers of curves by reading. According to the composite statements of our respectable elders Gigyanee, Dalazak, Yousaf Zai and Bahlol Khel were the well known tribes who refuge from Afghanistan in the very early period of Mohmood Ghazan the S/O of Subagtagin in 10th century one after other and settled here. Later with the passage of time gradually some more families came with other invaders of Shah Ahmad Abdali, Shahabuddin Ghori, Khilgi in the time period of Mughal rulers. Then later some more families came from the rest parts of subcontinents and settled here. For the fulfillment of daily requirements Mohmand used to travel from Mohmand Agency to Peshawar while due to lack of transport sources they also gradually lived here. In the Mohmand Khaleem Zai and Tarak Zai are the early tribes who came and settled here in Shabqadar. In the above mentioned tribes Gigyanee, Dalazak, Yousaf Zain are till in mejority while it is popular about Bahlol Khel that they went back to Afgahistan. In the above Gigyanee use to touch with agriculture and having leading skills that is the reason in every period they were given respect and honor. Bahlol Khel were technical professionals that was the reason why they went back. Dalazak were professionally traders there fore they use to travel for their business transactions that are the reason why majority of them still lives in Peshawar. Usually it is said about Yousaf Zai that they were contentious so due to quarrelers attitude they migrated to Peshawar, Mardan and then to Sawabi and they are there still in majority. It is also famous about Yousaf Zai that they were having animals and like to live such green and well grassy areas therefore they settled in Swat and Malakand. Gigyanee is the family about whom it is famous that they ruled on Mohmand Agency, Sawat and up to Margalla Hills at a time. While with a conflict with Mughals their rules restrict only to Sawat and Deer areas that is the reason why numbers of their respectable elders buried there. The Mughal ruled for the years over the subcontinent for a long time. In Mughal period they give importance this particular area along with Muhmad Agency. Build a Fort at Chanda (Near to Ghalanee) of Mohmand Agency where their relics are still present there. After the death of Aurangzaib the Mughal was replaced by the British rulers where this particular area was under the control of Sikh. Shabqadar was a part of Muhmand Agecy and the Haji Zai bridge was its boundary. The previous name of Shabqadar was Ashraf Village. In those days there was big knoll of mound (Dher) therefore it is then called by Dheri. Once Sikh came into power many constructions took place in Shabqadar. It became a center of business and trade. Majority of traders and shop keepers were Sikh therefore this was called by Sikho Dheri. To make it a secure place in 1835 the foundation Shabqadar Fort was laid by the a Sikh ruler Ranjeet Singh. The Fort was architect by a man named Tota Ram. Since Tota Ram had no child so with in the construction period he was gifted a son by Almighty Allah and was named Shankar Tas therefore the Fort was called Shankar Garh and thus it is known by Shankar Garh. Since all the rules and regulations were under the British Government therefore numbers of movements took pace in this area for avoiding the British Forces. In 1827 with the movement of Syed Ahmad Shaheed the local Muslims attacked on British Forces. The local Muslims fight and cried on them but no result while some leaders were funished. 1876 is an unforgettable year in the history of Shabqadar. The name of Shankar Garh changed and replaced by Shabqadar. There are two different reasons for changing this name from Shankar Garh to Shabqadar. One is that, its changed due to the religious spirit and deep relation of local Muslims with Islam. While another reason is that most people of different Mahallas were celebrating the Shab-e-Qadar night with great enthusiasm. According to some composite statements the original Shabqadar was Shao Qadroona which is now known as Bakra Banda where. The most old mohalla in shabqadar is Zorh Kande which was called Zarhe Kandare. 1876 is the unforgettable year in the history of Shabqadar. In 1876 Khanism started in this particular area. An English officer divided the Shankar Garh (Shabqadar) in to Mohallas. He handed over maximum land to Mr. Ibrahim Khan “Founder of Khan” by the base of his own laws Rule and regulation. About Mr Ibrahim it is famous that he was basically belong to Do Abat. He came to Shabqadar and he committed the elders of Shabqadar to make him Khan. A tribe of elders went to English officer and insist him to make Mr Ibrahim a Khan. They all signed on a paper for the Khanism.A suburban area to Shabqadar Panch Pao gifted to Mohmand by the English officer. Since 1/5 of its crops used to give to English officers therefore it called the Panch Pao. In 1897 with movement of Haji Torangzai the warriors (Mujahidin) of Muhmand Agency attacked on Shabqadar Fort. They broke the main Gate of Shabqadar Fort and entered. In this attack they damaged the Sikh rulers by men and wealth. They killed numbers of English soldiers. As a result of this damaged they made prisoner the main Gate of Shankar Garh Fort. Limited families participated in this attack with the Mohmad warriors (Mujahidin). In this attack Malik Shahzada father of Malik Yousaf Khan, Malik Sikandar Khan and Mesri Khan along with his family members accompanied the Muhmand warrior and burned an Army Bus at the Haleem Zai near to Haji Delawar hose. In the result of this event the English Forces bedded the animals of Malik Shahzada Khan Family at Shahi Bagh Peshawar, burned their Hujra and Funished them. They also fin the people of Shabqadar 8 Rupees for home. In case of delaying of the fin they funished them. This fin was called Tamba Grhab. Some families from Do Aaba accompanied warriors (Mujahidin) while the rest fled away. Those who accompanied those (Mujahidin) they give prove of their bravery and honesty. From Mata Jabar Khan helped the English army and pointed them the warrior’s trenches to be attack. Jabar Khan was then titled by English officers Khan Bahadar Khan. Mechani road was the main road lead to Peshawar from Shabqadar. 1935 with the construction of Haji Zai bridge the present Peshawar main road became a main road from Shabqadar to Peshawar. With the passage of time numbers of freedom movements took places. Badshah khan S/O of Sardar Bahram Khan also started an movement against the English arms. In the result he was made person for more than a year. During his time he called well-known persons of that time for help as will as discussions with respect to movements but no one responded him. After the freedom from the prison he then went to Dehli and joined the Gangras. In 1946 election in subcontinent Gangress got a most votes from this particular area therefore Gandhee along with Badshah Khan and other party members came to Shabqadar and address the local people. At the time of partition of Gandhee was desirable to make it a part of India while at the other side since they had no optional approach nor any other way to get connect with this area therefore they ignore this issue. That was the real reason why Badshah Khan was against Pakistan. In 1947 our beloved country Pakistan came in to being. Since Shabqadar was a part of Mohmand Agency there fore the office of Political Agent was in Shabqadar. Today the existence of Political Masque at Shabqadar is an important example. For the development purposes the people of Shabqadar insisted therefore it is separated from Mohmand Agency and made a particular area of District Peshawar. Charsadda was a Tehsil of District Peshawar. 1988 Governor of NWFP Mr Fazle Haq announced as a District for Charsadda. With the upgrading of Charsadda from Tehsil to District Tangee became a Techsil Shabqadar also became sub Tehsil. In 2005 in the Cheap Minister NWFP Akram Khan Durani came to Shabqadar and announced it a permanent Tehsil.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:39:27 +0000

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