Ho-hum, yawn. Oh hello. Did ya know today, Wednesday September - TopicsExpress


Ho-hum, yawn. Oh hello. Did ya know today, Wednesday September 10th 2014 is suppose to be some huge internet slow down day to protest against government taking liberty and poking around into our freedom and our rights of the internet? Do ya feel the slow down? Do ya feel the drag? No? Not more than the usual crap from inadequate internet service? Well, neither did I. Lets just chalk that all up to the usual ball of wax of propaganda, and site intimidation. Lets get down to the nitty gritty. First, yes, we are already being controlled, stifled, poked, prodded and snooped upon by and through the internet. We get crappy service not because it can be better, it can be amazing, but, and it is a huge but, stop it this is not an anatomy joke okay it is, the powers that be are holding back because there is a brutal battle going on about who can or should profit from better technology and service. Now, every country has some stupid committee that is, well not actually government but is adjunct to the government. Otherwise, paid bureaucrats in the non political sector, so they say. In the USA it is the FCC, in Canada it is the CRTC, in Britain it is OfCom, well you should get the gist by now. Otherwise, by definition, a committee is a small group that call also be called a commission that is assembled to deliberate on specific issues and form a collective conclusion. The problem is for some strange reason most of these such committees are made up of members in an ad hoc fashion. What that means, by decree of democracy or some other lame excuse, the members should be from all walks of life. Oh yes, not made up of specialists in the realm of the issue. Some crazy ideal of nonpartisan affiliation. Add to that, the fact that such groups are basically clueless, they are without any stretch of the imagination bureaucrats of the worst kind because they play both sides of the field. Government at one end, corporate cash at the other. Let the game begin. Yet, the average Joe and Jane just cant get tickets to the game, and it sure aint broadcasted on any of the sports channels. So, where am I going with all of this? Far enough to tell you, there are really no set rules to this game, just a whole whack of interference, cheating of the few mote rules, and the referees are all on the sidelines having a bit of a friendly chat among peers and maybe a spot of tea with a few choice biscuits. The simple truth is, everybody is snooping around on the internet, you really dont have any real privileges within the internet, all we are, are victims of advertising, scam artists, con artists, and those who just really get a massive rush because of the masses of ignorance, paranoid, and gullible are plentiful and such easy prey. No, there was or is no internet slowdown, it is only a idealistic concept, a rally point for a bunch of activists who, well, are just playing the game.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 04:53:54 +0000

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