Holiday Recount Writing (Room 7) At Writing time we started the - TopicsExpress


Holiday Recount Writing (Room 7) At Writing time we started the term by selecting the two best days of our holidays to write about. We used the 4W’s to share interesting details about the activities we did. We published this writing in the shape of ” Homemade Holiday Hamburgers” and used paper collage to make the “best bits” of food that we like to have in our hamburgers. The first best bit of the holidays was when I went to the Silverstream Horse Riding place. When I got there I was very shy and I didn’t know anyone at all. First when we came in we had to say our names. I said “Catherine” and then I went in. We had to wait for a long time and then we went to get our horses. When we got our horses we went to the stable and we started cleaning our horse. Do you know my horse was called Scotty? People call Scotty granddad because his owner was famous and Scotty is very old because he has been ridden on a hundred times. We cleaned his feet – we do no more than the V in his feet and when we had cleaned him we got him ready for a ride. We got his saddle and other things too. We rushed our horse and you go from head to tummy. It feels nice on his tummy. When we were ready to ride we got our horse and we went into a big room, our guide looked after our horse. One at a time the horses came and the riders hopped on. When we got on our horse we went in a line then we set off. I was very wobbly at first but I got used to it. Suddenly the horses started to gallop. I was very scared. The next time we galloped and held on with one hand, that was hard and next time we did it with zero hands! That was the hardest of all. We had to do it round and around. I felt a little dizzy but it was fun too. For morning tea we had popcorn and chocolate chip cookies, they were yummy. I had a great time at Silverstream Horse Riding By Catherine (Catie also wrote about the fun day she had in the holidays at her friend Sienna’s house). The first best bit of my holidays was when I went on the train to Wellington and we went to my mum’s school. We also went to the Korean shop. In the shop they have lots of Jin Ramens and ice cream. Jin Ramens are delicious noodles. At the Wellington station we took the train and then we took a bus home. My next fun day was when I went to Queensgate and we bought Lego Ninja. We went to Farmers and bought some sleep shorts. Sleep shorts have pictures of Elmo on them and you wear them in bed. I felt excited. By Enoch The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to Staglands. I went with my poppa, my dad, my mum and my brother. I went to the top of the hill and when I came down I slipped and scared the reindeer. At Staglands I saw some peacocks and some pushy goats, turkeys and Kuni kuni pigs and some baby reindeer. I liked it because half of my family came. My next favourite day was when I went to Laughalots. I went with my brother and dad. I had lunch first then I went on the bouncy slide and the ball pit and on the video games. Then I went on the windy slide and I got an ice cream and my flavour was rocky road. Next we got another play. I went down the slide first. I was scared but I gave it a go, then I went down again and again. I went to the guns and I shot the target. Then it was time to go. First we got a photo and after that we got a balloon. Laughalots is lots of fun. By Noah The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to my brother’s birthday. It was fun and we went to the movies to see the “Lego Movie”. He had cake. My next fun day was when I went to the movies and we watched “Magic House”. There was a cat and the person was allergic to cats and the person was killing the cat. By Tamzen The first best bit of my holidays was when I got my hair cut and I was with my mum and my sister. I got a star shaved on the side. It was near the Warehouse. At the end of the hair cut you get a lollipop. I got a red one. The next fun time in the holidays was when in the weekend when I got a new I pad screen. I played Minecraft. I loved it. I killed “Hit the Target”. I got an enchanted sword and a diamond sword and some enchanted armour. I went mining with a diamond pick – axe. I love Minecraft because you get to trade emeralds with villagers. By Nathan The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to the Mall with my mum and brother. I loved my fat pants because they were new. Then with my mum I went to get new shoes and my brother came too. I got new clothes and then we got lunch at MacDonald’s and then I got a new game. My next fun time was when I went to the park and my friend was at the park. We played “Busted”. The second best bit was going to the pictures and we watched the “Lego Movie” with my uncle and my brother Alex came with us. We had popcorn and three drinks. By Brody The first best bit of my holidays was when I went on the Eastbourne ferry to Wellington. I went with my mum and it was fun because my mum almost lost her breakfast! The waves were very wavy and my mum felt very sick but I thought it was fun! The next fun thing I did was we went to town and I saw Auntie Is’ place in a big building. I drew on the wall in her house with chalk. The same day we went on a train. I heard “ding, ding”, it was the wheels going fast on the tracks. By Seth The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to Sam’s house and we played with the Lego. I saw Sam and we played Beyblades. We had fun and I was happy. We played a game at Sam’s home. I think it was good and I was happy at Sam’s. The next fun day I had was when I went to the “Lego Movie”. We had popcorn. My dad came too and we had lots of fun. The man was killing the car. At the “Lego Movie” there were a lot of people. I saw my friend and his mum came too. I had fun. By Sahil The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to Emma’s birthday. We sang happy birthday to her. She got a Loom band and she got a book. I liked Emma’s birthday because she blew the candles out. The next fun day was when I had Holly over for a play and Holly did Loom bands. I also went to My Grandma’s house for a sleep over and in the morning we went home. At night we had dinner and we watched the movie. By Jessica The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to the Museum of “City and Sea”. I went with my mum, dad and brothers. I got to steer a steering wheel from a boat that had sunk and people had died. There was a weird diver and its eyes were moving. I saw a sling shot and I saw a cat chasing two mice. I got to pull up three boxes and the diver’s boots. They were heavy because he would drown if he didn’t wear them. My next exciting part of the day was when I found a train and a button to press and it made it move. I saw a bird and when I pressed it, it would make a noise. Then I went in a room and it looked like a queen’s and king’s room with 200 pictures. I saw an x-ray and there was a king and queen’s clothes. I couldn’t touch them because they were covered with glass. They had crowns and jewels. There was a room with things that I could listen to and I could write some things. I wrote that the plane fell down. I liked the model boat and I went on a boat and there was a TV with the whale shark and there was a hook and I saw a thing that I could spin and I could see the countries. I had an amazing time at the Museum of “City and Sea”. By Zeph The first best bit of the holidays was when I went to Olive’s disco. I went to the disco on Friday. The disco was held at Olive’s house. My mum, dad and Maja came to the disco with me. I came a bit late because I had just been to Wellington and I had had to go all the way back to Stokes Valley. One boy, who was called Oliver, was bending the glow stick that Olive had given him. Suddenly his glow stick broke and a little bit of poison came out. The poison fell onto the carpet. Yehana came and she washed the poison off the carpet. At the disco there was heaps of food for us to eat. I made a new friend and she was called Feya. I played with my new friend. Oliver, me, Olive and Maja played a game called “Roll down the Stairs”. This is how you play. You have a teddy and you roll it down the stairs. If your teddy gets to the bottom of the stairs you’re the winner, if you don’t manage to get to the bottom then you are the loser. I took my teddy called Barney with me to the disco. I used him to play “Roll down the Stairs”. At the disco Olive gave me a glow stick and a party whistle. At the disco there was a little baby. She was called Zoe and I liked her. The baby was really cute. There was heaps of music at the disco and I did heaps of dancing… By Zoe (Zoe also wrote about how much she enjoyed making a dream catcher at Art Classes in Wellington during the holidays) The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to my bach for my birthday. Noah and Erin and Adam came to the beach too. I got a mountain bike and I got a Nerf ball and I got a mini skateboard. I got a maths book, a soccer ball and I got some lollies. I had fun and I got to go to a restaurant. The next fun day of my holidays was when I went to the movies. I sat in a comfy chair and then the movies started – then the movie sang a song. In the holidays it was my Dad’s birthday. He got 100 dollars and he got a hilarious card and he laughed his head off. He got a voucher and it was my Dad’s best day – he felt happy. By Casey The first best bit of my holidays was when I went on the new blue Holland cab – that is my granddad’s friend’s tractor. It was in the garage. I sat in the driver’s seat. The next fun thing I did was I went on another tractor that was on the same farm. By Malakai The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to the pool. Mum and me jumped in the water. The next fun thing I did was I went to the movies with my cousins. We saw my dad and mum. I watched “How to Train your Dragon 2” By So’otaga The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to the movies I went to see “The Magic House” and mum and Alex came with me. There was a cat and a mouse, a rabbit and there was magic too. There was a robot. The robot could walk and it was magic. My next fun morning in the holidays was when I went to the swimming pool. I went in the big pool then I went on the big slide, it was fun. When it was time to go we picked up Breana. Breana had a sleep over and in the morning we picked up Sahil. We played cart wheels and we did roly poly. It was awesome playing with Sahil. By Sam The second fun day of the holidays was on Thursday at the holiday programme when we h ad a disco. All of the people made some decorations. Joe covered the windows. There was a competition and you had to dance around and whoever wins, they are the winner. We got glowing-up hair spray and glowing – up nail polish. We heard “Let it Go” by Katie Perry, “Walk in Gangnam Style”, “Diamonds in the Sky” and “Monkey in the Jungle”. We had some other games. One was hockey and the second game was basketball and soccer. I loved the disco. By Jemma (Jemma also wrote about scootering around the waterfront and going to her Mum’s work) The first best bit of my holidays was when we arrived in Masterton. We had take-aways for dinner – we had Burger King. I went with my family. We had dinner in the car as we set off to Castle point to the caravan on the hill, at the campground. We stayed at the caravan for two nights. The second favourite thing I did was when I went to the Castlepoint dairy with my mum and dad and Holley. Mum and dad got a coffee and me and Holley got a bag of lollies for a treat. The lollies were yum. They were different kinds of colours, there was a cherry lolly and it was delicious. We had a fun time at Castlepoint because the waves were crashing on the rocks. By Claire The first best bit of my holidays was when I went to my Dad’s birthday. For dinner we went to a restaurant. I went with my little sister and Kelly my Dad was turning 38. I got him a voucher, my mum got him a coffee maker. My nana and Gandy got him a jersey and a voucher. Ella got him a box with a pink bit of paper. Nicky got him a jacket. We had delicious garlic bread and amazing fish and we got another piece of garlic bread. Me and Ella watched the regular show on my iPad and me and Ella played Snap. Then my dinner came and on my plate was a bit of shark and later, a bit of cake – it was vanilla with lollies on top of the cake. By Blake (Blake also wrote about another fun time he in the holidays at Junglerama with Ella and Paige) The first best bit of my holiday was when I had my mum’s birthday. She’s really 139 – but it’s just magic! Me and my sister put decorations up around the house. I saw everyone from Stokes Valley who’s in my family. Everyone brought food to my house and my mum made sausage rolls. Another fun time was when I went to Staglands with my cousin. The lady gave us marshmallows. The best bit was when I heard the budgie say “Hello”. The cutest bit was when I saw the baby birds and the 5 mothers and the 5 fathers. I fed the lambs with milk in a bottle and then me and my cousin went to the café to roast our marshmallows. I felt very happy. By John The first best bit of my holiday was when I went to Christchurch with my mum and my baby brother and my sisters. When I got there I played rugby with my uncle Jeremy and me and my uncle played rugby outside at night in the garden. I went inside and we had pizza for dinner. The next fun thing I did was when I went to the movies for my uncle’s birthday. I bought him a rugby ball. I watched “Dragons 2” The next day I bought myself some jumping putty. Then I went to the park and played tag with my cousin. My cousin’s name is Joshua. Going to Christchurch is heaps of fun! By Lebron The first best bit of the holidays was when I went to the movies. Me, mum, Dad, and Adam went. We got lollies- aeroplanes and fruit bursts. The characters were Stormfly, Bolt and Brit. I ate popcorn and I almost ate all of it by myself. These were the human characters. There was Hiccup, Estrid, Ruff, Tuff and Stowick. My next fun day was when I went to gymnastics class and I saw Jemma, Hannah, Zoe and Claire. We did the splits and we walked on the beam then we did the bar. We did the other splits, it was so amazing. I felt exhausted at the end of gymnastics. By Erin The first best bit of the holidays was when I was at MacDonald’s. I saw Enoch and I was surprised. It was fun because we played in the playground with Enoch. I was with mum and Claudia. We were watching my little pony and I said “Mum, where is dad, is he at home?” and mum said “Yes”. Then mum said it was time to go home. The next fun thing I did on my holidays was when I went on the train, it was big. I went with my mum to MacDonald’s. I got a Pixie and she had blue hair and she had wings. It was cool. Mum said, “This is fun”. I was happy and it was exciting because I got a Pixie. By Portia
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:09:16 +0000

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