Holiday time! Dureri de dinti in concediu? - mic dictionar - TopicsExpress


Holiday time! Dureri de dinti in concediu? - mic dictionar - Lectia 1: LIMBA ENGLEZA Antecedente - ce trebuie spus dentistului inainte de tratament! : medical history - tell the dentist about these before treatment! - am hipertensiune/astm/diabet : I have high blood pressure/asthma/diabetes - am un pacemaker / I have a pacemaker fitted - am avut un infarct/AVC/tromboza : I have had a heart attack/a stroke/thrombosis - iau ....(medicamentul X)/anticoagulante/antiplachetare : I am taking ..../anticoagulants/blood-thining medication - sunt alergic la... : I am allergic to... - sunt gravida : I am pregnant
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:16:56 +0000

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