Holy government-subsidized nuts, Batman, this makes me want to buy - TopicsExpress


Holy government-subsidized nuts, Batman, this makes me want to buy pecans instead! What is your response to this article: Do you feel a little manipulated? Do you see this type of shady action in other major industries related to health or nutrition? Is this meteoric rise in almond consumption due to consumer demand, or consumer compliance? Much of the research and information you read regarding almonds and their health benefits is also most likely funded by the Almond Board of California, started by the USDA. To be a player in the multi-billion dollar industry, you need to play by the rules and contribute to its marketing efforts via a 3.0 cent “checkoff,” similar to a sales tax that more than likely is passed off to the consumer... When a competitor to the almond industry selling walnuts tried to advertise the health benefits of walnuts a few years ago, the FDA stepped in and claimed they were making illegal health claims. [5] They forced them into a class action lawsuit to pay back millions of dollars to consumers for “misleading them” on the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids in walnuts. [6] Read more dirt on the almond industry here ---> healthimpactnews/2014/how-did-almonds-surpass-peanuts-as-americas-top-nut-the-dark-side-of-almonds/
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:00:01 +0000

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