Holy hot dog, I just watched the 17 minute video I recorded for - TopicsExpress


Holy hot dog, I just watched the 17 minute video I recorded for myself, my future husband (lmao I know Im cray), and future kids after I experienced my first heartbreak. Sooooooo.... One. Its weird watching yourself cry on camera Two. This is the perfect way to remember to practice what you preach. We often make a ton of promises/commitments to ourself and later on neglect them or dont put them into fruition. Three. I will forever love the way a camera can capture a moment. I went through so many emotions in that video that I will be able to relive and appreciate (both the good and the bad). Four. This was the most therapeutic thing Ive ever discovered aside from poetry. I can tell that I experienced that therapy when I was actually recording the video and I experienced that therapy once again when I watched it. We are people and we are ever growing and that in itself is more beautiful than any pain well experience in life. #imightbend #butineverfold #coleword #peace Lmao I want to post this video so badly but I gotta play it for the people it was meant for first. Maybe in the next 20-30 years or maybe never lmaooo let me take my crazy behind to bed. #byeyall I will never write this much on the book again. Mmmm...but never say never lol #imout for real this time....
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:42:30 +0000

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