Horoscopes for Monday, March 10, 2014 Aries It may be time - TopicsExpress


Horoscopes for Monday, March 10, 2014 Aries It may be time to offset serious work with a bit of socializing today, especially if you have been overly ambitious these past few weeks. However, the theme of the day isnt about escapist fun; its about creating a dynamic network that empowers you to expand your horizons. Hanging out with colleagues or friends is a great idea if it stimulates your dreams of the future. Spread your wings; just make sure youre in supportive company before you take off. Taurus You have high hopes for the week ahead, but you might be hesitant to share your plans until they are more developed. In the meantime, do whatever is required now to fulfill the promises you recently made. But doing your job well isnt your only goal today; you also want to be acknowledged for your contributions. Placing your personal ambitions on hold for a while may be necessary so you can shine while meeting your current responsibilities. Gemini Although you might be motivated to improve your finances today, theres no simple way to achieve the results you want. Nevertheless, what you do now can have a positive impact on your future earnings. Dont let self-doubt prevent you from working on your plan for prosperity. Instead of aiming for immediate satisfaction, a slower and more methodical approach increases your chances for success. Cancer You have a keen intuitive sense of how to handle your feelings today, even if circumstances are a bit complicated. Its quite possible that your emotional needs are not being fully met now by your current relationships, but you might not have better options at this time. Being appreciative of your blessings doesnt mean you need to accept the status quo. Expressing your desires clearly without worrying about the outcome may be enough to set the wheels of satisfaction into motion. Leo Relationships are a source of delight and frustration these days and your clarity in communication helps to keep things on the positive side of the equation. Although you could make much progress diffusing conflicts today, the underlying problems wont likely be resolved very soon. Even if others dont meet your high standards now, you can still find joy if you accept the love that comes your way. Obviously, you dont need to settle for less than you deserve, but sometimes it helps to remember that everyones doing the best that they can. Virgo Although you typically come through with whatever is required, attending to the details today might be quite irritating. It may be wise to temporarily set aside your perfectionist tendencies in favor of a more fluid style now. You could receive more help from your friends than you expect, so give yourself permission to delegate some of the tasks on your list. Allowing others to pick up the loose ends works out well for all involved. Libra Youre so eager to express a more artistic side of yourself today that youre willing to do it any way possible. Unfortunately, you might try so hard to be Picasso that you end up with a blank canvas. Instead of attempting to push the river of creativity, its wiser to just let it flow on its own natural course. Dont worry if the process takes more time than you expect; fill in the hours with unrelated activities that also need to be finished. A relaxed approach is more productive in the long run. Scorpio You often prefer flying under the radar. Instead of seeking recognition for your work, you have more freedom if you remain unseen now. But dont waste the independence you have earned; use this time wisely to plan the next phase of your life. Theres no need to make any noticeable waves yet. Entertain all possibilities and then narrow down your choices over the next few weeks. The less others know about your upcoming adventures, the better. Sagittarius Theres so much going on in your life right now that its time to pull the plug on some unnecessary distractions. You might wish you could escape from the noise for a few days, but you must continue to meet your responsibilities. However, you also need to stay connected with the emotional support you receive from your friends and family. Ultimately, balancing the personal and the professional sides of your life boosts your confidence and motivates you to reach for the stars. Capricorn Being nurtured by a loved one is good for the soul, although sometimes youre not comfortable with too much dependency. On the other hand, its tough to come through for someone you love while also taking care of your own needs now. Even if youre currently working on personal issues, its probably more productive to focus on helping others today. The gratitude you receive could lift your spirits when you need it the most. Aquarius You derive great benefit from the power of positive thinking because you are more sensitive now that the responsive Cancer Moon is activating your emotional receptors. You dont have the luxury of doubting your recent decisions or your current capabilities. Instead, put your efforts toward fine-tuning your plans; get your ducks in order so youre ready to fly when the time is right. Pisces Youre not in the mood to explain your behavior now; words would only detract from your profound process. Youre quite happy today swimming around in deep waters because you feel safer being far out of sight. Luckily, there are metaphysical treasures waiting to be discovered beneath the surface if youre willing to leave language behind. Losing yourself in the feelings and the images can be a magical experience, especially if you take time to remember your dreams and write them down upon your return.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:21:05 +0000

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