Hosted By Party For Freedom--Nicholas Hunter Folkes. This is a - TopicsExpress


Hosted By Party For Freedom--Nicholas Hunter Folkes. This is a call to action. Whenever and wherever lies, propaganda and hate surface, it is the duty of Patriots to rise up and challenge the ‘useful idiots and merchants of hate’ who aim to undermine and destroy the fabric of our economic and cultural wellbeing. On Sunday, 17th November, Party for Freedom will hold two rallies in one day. The day of action will be a first for an Australian patriotic political party so we need the support of the public to join us in protest against the Get Up’s useful idiots and Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s merchants of hate. Get Up!, a left wing activist group will hold a rally in Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills from 11am to 1pm. Get Up’s day of misinformation and propaganda has been billed as a day of ‘national day of climate action’. Get Up! and its mindless minions will be out in force propagating more lies about anthropogenic climate change and the impending doom of the nation if the Australian government rescinds the carbon dioxide tax. In a short period of time, the people of Australia have already witnessed the devastating impact of Labor and Green’s carbon dioxide tax on industry esp. manufacturing with countless factories closing also resulting in tens of thousands of jobs moving offshore. The left including the climate change industry, Get Up!, Greens and the Labor party all seek nothing less than to de-industrialise our nation and render future generations to the dole queues and a life of perpetual poverty. On Get Up’s ‘National Day of Climate Action!’ website opening page, there is a litany of lies with half baked statements, which read; “The last month was the hottest on record, the last 12 months were the hottest on record, the last summer was the hottest on record, breaking 120 records”. Lenin said, “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth”. Get Up’s day of action is nothing more than a day of lies. The last month was not the hottest on record. The past 12 months were not the hottest on record and 120 records were not broken. To the left, it has never been about truth. The left’s agenda including the shadowy climate change industry is about crushing the economy thus reducing the people to eternal slavery shackled to bankrupt socialist idealism. Get Up or ‘Can’t Get It Up’ has been exposed as a dodgy and dishonest group involved in many destructive campaigns. The extremist group claims to be “independent”, this claim is nonsense. Public records reveal that George Soros, the CFEMU, left wing environmental terrorists and the impotent inner city basket weavers of Sydney and Melbourne fund ‘Can’t Get It Up’. The radical Islamist organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir is an outfit dedicated and committed to sharia law and establishing a worldwide Islamic caliphate. The pages of history demonstrate that a caliphate can only be achieved by violent Jihad or ‘holy war’ against the non-believer. Hizb-ut-Tahrir will hold another disagreeable conference entitled, ‘Intervention in the Muslim Community’ on Sunday, 17th November at Lidcombe. The organization is concerned due to media reports stating Abbot’s pre-election call to ban Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Australia if he was elected. Well the Coalition won the election and the Australian people are still waiting for the radical group to be proscribed in Australia. Of course Hizb-ut-Tahrir believes it is ‘open offensive’ against Islam when Abbott called for the group to be proscribed in Australia. The Australian government would not have to use surveillance or tailor policies against Islamist groups if Muslims dropped violence, intimidation and Jihad against non-Muslims. Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s draft constitution is riddled with bullet holes, intolerance and discrimination. It is worth reading the group’s extremist constitution. Below is a summary of some points: Article 26 Every mature male and female Muslim, who is sane, has the right to participate in the election of the Khaleefah and in giving him the pledge (baiah). Non-Muslims have no right in this regard. Article 62 Jihad is a compulsory duty on all Muslims. Military training is therefore compulsory. Thus, every male Muslim, fifteen years and over, is obliged to undergo military training in readiness for jihad. Article 144 Jizyah (head-tax) is collected from the non-Muslims (ZHimmis). It is to be taken from the mature men if they are financially capable of paying it. Therefore, the people of Australia call on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to uphold his earlier promise to ban Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Australia. Party for Freedom calls on our fellow Australians to support this important day of action by attending one or both of our rallies. It is time to make a stand against the radical left and extremist Islam! Rally details: * Get Up! – Get out of our lives! Stop the climate lies! Place: Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills Time: 11am to 1pm, Sunday 17th November * Hizb-ut-Tahrir - No Caliphate! Ban Hizb-ut-Tahrir Now! Place: Bridge Street, Lidcombe Time: 3.30pm to 5.30pm Enquiries: Nick Folkes at [email protected] References: Get Up! National day of climate action Get Up exposed: George Soros tentacles reach into Australia Hizb-ut-Tahrir Australia Hizb-ut-Tahrir Intervention in the Muslim Community https://facebook/events/178589102330237/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia to be banned if Liberal party wins election: reports muslimvillage/2013/08/30/43193/hizb-tahrir-banned-australian-abbott-wins-election-reports/ Draft Constitution of Hizb-ut-Tahrir khilafah/index.php/the-khilafah/khilafah/15326-a-draft-constitution-of-the-khilafah-state
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 04:10:46 +0000

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