How Do I Prove My Love? Tuesday, July 23, 2013 5:15 PM - TopicsExpress


How Do I Prove My Love? Tuesday, July 23, 2013 5:15 PM (GMT+3) Have you ever known someone who has told a lie so often he’s come to believe it himself? It really does happen. In fact, it happens quite often in the spiritual realm. A lot of people make professions of faith in Jesus Christ. It’s easy to say very deeply-devoted kinds of things about the Lord. It’s easy to talk about my dedication to God with swelling words of great commit­ment. But too often, there’s nothing behind the words. And so the apostle John gave us a series of checks designed to help us measure what we say against reality. This is very important, because the Bible tells us that our hearts are deceitful above all things and desper­ately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Scripture warns us repeatedly against self-deception. John is particularly good here, because he highlights the key issues that people oftentimes boast about, and then gives several tests to help us judge whether our profession matches the truth. Throughout his first epistle, John uses the word agape to describe the kind of love he has in mind. This love on the spiritual level is a totally giving love, especially of itself. The object of this love is people. When agape lives in me, I love people so much; I’m interested only in their best welfare. I want only what is good and best for them and their needs. The paramount thing on my mind is giving to them, without looking for something in return—just like God’s love. So the question for us is not simply, “Do I claim to love God? Do I claim to love others as He loves them?” The question is rather, “What evidence do I have to prove that my love for God and others is real?” - Lightstand Church
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:00:20 +0000

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