How Far into Tyranny Must We Be Forced Before We Are Willing to - TopicsExpress


How Far into Tyranny Must We Be Forced Before We Are Willing to Act Against the Tyrants? In 1787 a group of delegates met in Philadelphia to create a new government, one based on limiting principles, individualism, and the concept that as free men our rights are natural rights given to us by Nature’s God. Government, the founders determined, is necessary, but is also always prone to becoming tyrannical. The way to best guard against the rise of tyranny is to divide power at all opportunity, and to create checks and balances to ensure the powerful do not collude with other parts of government, or that a minority of ruling elitists somehow gain control of the system and use it to force their will upon the people. Immediately, after the writing of the United States Constitution, the forces of statism launched attacks against freedom, and against the principles within the document. Through the unconstitutional Sedition Act of 1798, John Adams and the statists of the Federalist Party silenced their opposition. Then, after losing the Congress and White House in the Election of 1800, the statists stacked the courts with their allies, creating new positions in the federal courts, and appointing a myriad of “Midnight Judges.” Among the new breed of justices in the system was John Marshall. He became the Chief Justice of the United States, and for 36 years in the position, he shredded the Constitution, and put into motion the tools today’s politicians are using to turn our nation into a police state. With his published opinions regarding judicial review, federal supremacy, and his attacks against State Sovereignty and individuality, John Marshal established a system of case law that has allowed the courts over the last two hundred years to interpret the Constitution to mean what they want it to mean, and to manipulate the system so that the original intent of the United States Constitution has been lost. Joined by progressives in the political circus, and later by statists flooding academia, the media, and the entertainment industry, today’s generation has been conditioned to be good little soldiers, to defend government tyranny and monitor and turn in those that dare to voice their dissent. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are products of the statist’s ongoing campaign, combined with a Marxist upbringing, and a hatred for the original principles established during the founding of this nation. ..... canadafreepress/index.php/article/64803
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 06:26:00 +0000

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