How George Muller Got Saved . . . Posted on September 5, 2013 by - TopicsExpress


How George Muller Got Saved . . . Posted on September 5, 2013 by Jim Hughes Everyone’s salvation story is something wonderful to hear. I love to hear other people tell me how they got saved. Do you have a story about how you got saved? Today I want to tell you about how George Muller got saved and my hope is that it will benefit and bless someone. If you like such things this shall be a blessing for you. How George Muller was Before He Got Saved George Muller was born in 1805 in Prussia, Germany. George Muller became a drunk at age 9 and at 12 it was his daily habit to stay all night at the gambling houses and stay drunk. When Muller was 14, his mother died and in his eyes she was a good woman and virtue. This scared Muller into trying to reform himself. He wasn’t successful and later he realized he needed the blood of Jesus Christ to reform himself. His father, a tax collector, wanted the best for his son, but his father thought he was quite lazy. When he was 15, as a result his father got him a position in school to learn how to become a Lutheran pastor. George arrived at Halle according to his father’s wishes. George was a colorful fellow at time he went off to Halle. His favor past time was to get together with his “friends” to drink, cuss and chase women. When father gave him money, George would gamble it away and beg his professors to let him into school because he was just a poor boy. When George went on trips with his buddies, George would keep the money for them and slowly steal it from them. George also knew how to spin incredible tales when the situation called on for him to do it. As you can see George was such a nice young man. How George Muller Got Saved Romans 10:13 (KJV) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. George had a friend, Berta, during his time at Halle, and Berta professed to be Christian. This man would go to church and his Bible Studies and hunt up George Muller to have some fun with. This Berta would ask George to take him to pubs and drink with him and gamble. This friend is like a lot of Christians we know these days. Berta was like so many Christians today, he would go to church and then run as close to the world as he could. Berta invited George to go to prayer meeting with him. Berta’s motive in asking him to go to the prayer meeting with him, was so Muller would ask him to go to the drinking houses and the gambling house. George Muller went with the intent in his heart of being clever. He desired to sow seeds of doubt in the hearts of the believers and the preacher. He wanted to destroy their faith and their testimony. He wanted them to doubt the virgin birth. He wanted them to doubt Jesus could save them. George wanted them discouraged. He wanted to steal their joy. George went and he argued with the Preacher and done his best to tear him down, but he wasn’t able to do so. George was invited back and he tried again to tear them down. He was going to show them something. George Muller went back the third time with the same intents in his heart. In this third meeting GOD got George Muller. George Muller found himself under conviction. He confess his awful sins to the Lord asked the Lord into his heart. Muller felt the most wonderful change come over his soul. God can saved the awfullest of sinners if they hang around long enough. What Happened to George Muller After He Got Saved George Muller became a missionary to the Jews in London, England. George Muller surrendered his life to the Lord and God used him. God laid a burden upon his heart and Muller would an example for the ages to many Christians. This burden many of us know was the orphans of England. God used him to establish the largest orphanages in the world at Bristol, England. Thousands and thousands of lives were changed because this sinner got saved. What will the Lord do with you? The next time a lost man makes charges against you what will you do? Father God, Thank you, this was a message I needed to hear. I am sure there is someone else who needed this message help them to find it and get something from it. Help us to find your will in our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 15:04:52 +0000

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