How Suicide is Viewed in the Afterlife Nanci Danison My - TopicsExpress


How Suicide is Viewed in the Afterlife Nanci Danison My last eNews article included the statement that a Light Being does not have to stay in a human life that is not producing the sought-after experiences. After reading it, Elaine wrote: Wow! Does this say what I think its saying? It sounds like if a person wants to commit suicide, it wont be held against him, do I have that right? The way you put it, it makes so much sense! I have heard things like, you will go to hell if you kill yourself, or, youll have to come back and face the same problems you refused to face in the last life; in other words, theres always some punishment involved; but, youre saying no, which Im more comfortable with. I learned in the afterlife that when we choose a human life to enter, we also preplan a potential exit strategy. Thats right--we preplan our human hosts death. As we all know, but resist acknowledging, all humans die. They are temporary beings manifested by Source in order to have various experiences. Death is one of the experiences we cannot have in our natural spiritual state because we are eternal parts of Source. So we do have an interest in death when we choose a human life. Our chosen exit strategy may be an accident, illness or natural causes. I also learned that suicide is a perfectly acceptable exit strategy from a spiritual perspective. There is no punishment attached to choosing it. There are no negative judgments made in the afterlife about it, except possibly by yourself as you witness your life review. We do not go to hell for suicide. There is no hell. Nor do we repeat an incarnation as a punishment for how we lived a previous human life. As I said before--incarnation is a choice, not a punishment. We always make the choice ourselves and are never forced into any particular host. However, the problem is that WHILE WE ARE INSIDE A HUMAN BODY WE ARE IN THE WORST POSSIBLE POSITION TO KNOW WHETHER SUICIDE IS OUR CHOSEN EXIT STRATEGY. While we occupy a human as its soul, we are generally limited by human perspective. And, although humans do have a very strong survival instinct, they also have the fight-flight-freeze biological response system built into the primitive part of their brains. So it is possible for a human to want to commit suicide as a flight response to extreme physical or emotional pain. That would not mean the Light Being soul chose suicide as its preplanned exit strategy. In fact, it is nearly impossible to know what exit strategy we chose in the afterlife while we are still in the body. So whether to commit suicide is an extremely difficult decision to make. For that reason, in my opinion, we should offer suicide victims love and understanding rather than condemn them for what is either a preplanned spiritual choice or a natural biological response to extreme pain. Thank you so much for being open to the messages I returned from the afterlife to share. Nanci PS. For those of you who think I do not know what I am talking about, my brother (who was more like a son to me) committed suicide in August 2012. It nearly killed me. So I do know what the loved ones left behind suffer and it does not change my opinion that suicide should not be condemned.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 19:01:26 +0000

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