How To Be A Universal Being of Light by CmdrAleon and the Ashtar - TopicsExpress


How To Be A Universal Being of Light by CmdrAleon and the Ashtar Command.I see many people of the Light and many just wondering how to be that being.To be that being within Human form the Ashtar Command would ask this.Are you willing under free will to give up your additions. Those who cling onto a religion be in the Middle East,The United States or any Nation on Earth. When you still feel a need to be connected to a religion then you become stuck to that man made belief system . Understand Brothers and Sisters on the Planet. That playing it safe and conforming to the structures of Man does not free your mind ,body and soul. It contains it and boxes it in.The box can only be opened if you are willing to open it and see whats outside the box. With 7 Billion plus on the Planet.Many create a false illusion to live in like the box .It becomes safer to conform then to expand ones being in the Human Form. When you become for one Religion verses another then Humanity ends up saying my Religion is better then yours. Your Earth based religions have brought wars over many centuries on this Orb. When religions cease to exist so will wars The only religion that one needs is the one called Universal Love.That religion cannot be contained by mankind. Because it comes from the very heart of God. How you live on Earth and view your Planet has alot to do with the way you live your daily life . The Planets we come from our loved and cared for unlike this Planet which has been used by man for his own ends and means. The time for this to end is now . Earth can nolong sustain being abused by those who are driven by Ego and Power. The only power that should exist on Earth is Love.Its a word used alot . Its true meaning is how you Love one another. Will you create harmony and love on Earth or when you do not like what you see .Create conflict thinking your going to stop it by creating a reaction to it? You missions are to see what it is but to peacefully transform the hearts and minds of all Humanity through Universal Love. So in ending this transmission by myself CmdrAleon of the Ashtar Command I encourage you to let go of your taught belief system tonight. If you want to be that shining Light for others living on Earth.Then let go of what you have been taught on Earth and you will see how cler your inner being will be .Allow the Light to come into your being from Gods Universal Love of you. That is how we of the Ashtar Command and all Spiritual Planetary Systems live . Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always!!! CmdrAleon ashtargalacticcommanders.ningcom
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 05:13:22 +0000

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