How To Make High Quality Colloidal Silver Safely From Home - TopicsExpress


How To Make High Quality Colloidal Silver Safely From Home ♥ DISCLAIMER: The information on this video is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease. This information is for research purposes only, I can not be held responsible for any effects that these procedures might have on you or anyone you share this information with. Do these procedures at your own risk. Contact your health care professional before attempting any or part of these procedures. In this video I take you step by step how to make high quality pure colloidal silver. Colloids are small nano particles usually between 1-20 nano meters. To give you an idea of the size of a nano meter imagine taking the diameter of your hair and stretching it to one mile and than sticking a pea some where in that mile, the size of the pea would be equal to 1 nano meter. Colloidal silver can wipe out any known virus know to man including aids. There are over 650,000 know pathogens (viruses) and not one can survive pure high quality colloidal silver. The silver colloids do this by starving the oxygen of all enzyme activity of the all viruses know to man. Because most viruses are between 20-100 nanometers and colloidal silver can be just one nanometer it is highly bio-available and able to penetrate the virus and starve its enzymes of oxygen. Colloidal silver is an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-microbial, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic and anti-viral natural medicine. Taking 1-2 tsp of colloidal silver water per day can keep your body free of viruses and infections. Use colloidal silver on cuts, worts, bruises, sore throats, pimples, herpes, sighs, dark eye circles, eye infections, burns and infections, Colloidal silvers anti-bacterial properties can be proven through science such as adding colloidal silver to milk and seeing how long it takes to curdle compared to milk without colloidal silver. You will most likely find that milk that does not contain colloidal silver will curdle with in one day where as milk that contains colloidal silver will not curdle even after 1-2 weeks. This is because the colloidal silver is a powerful antibacterial which keeps the milk from growing bacteria and therefore curdling. INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Use 99.9% + grade silver or you will create impurities and lose major quality and run the risk of getting argyria (permanent blue skin). 2) Two pairs of alligator clips connected by a wire. 3) Three 9 volt batteries or four rechargeable 9 volts batteries. 4) Glass jar. 5) Distilled water (only use distilled and never use tap water). Using tap water can cause algyria. Once you have all five of this ingredients ad your distilled water to your glass jar, then join all three 9 volt batteries together in a series by joining the negatives and positives making a pyramid and a 27 volt system. Once you have done that connect the negative alligator clip to the negative source of the 27 volts power supply and one of the pieces of 99.9% silver. Then also connect the positive alligator clip to the batteries positive terminal and to the second piece of 99.9% silver. These two pieces of silver act as as anode and cathode which allow for the process of electrolysis to take place. You will want both of these pieces of silver to be sitting under the water buy you must not let the alligator clips touch the water or you will have many many impurities which can be counter productive to the healing properties of the colloidal silver. Let the silver electrolysis take place for 30 minutes to 3 hrs depending on how concentrated you want to make it. If your distilled water changes color (yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, etc) then you have impurities and I would recommend yo through it out and start again until it comes out clear. The clearer your colloidal silver is the less impurities it has. After making your colloidal silver it is best to store it in a dark tinted glass bottle away from light and heat. It is best to place it in the fridge for storage, refrigeration has an ozonating effect on foods and drinks. RISKS of CS? The only real risk of taking colloidal silver is that you make it wrong which can cause impurities and potentially cause you to turn blue (argyria). Let me assure you that going blue is extremely rare and is associated to consuming large amounts of immure colloidal silver for extended periods of time. The key is to only make pure colloidal silver and know the difference between impure CS and pure CS. The three most important factors to making pure colloidal silver is to use nothing less that 99.9 % silver and 100% clean distilled water and do not let the alligator clips contact the water. If you follow these three rules your colloidal silver should turn out clear and pure with many health benefits. by Jordan Blaikie the Liver Flush Man ♥ I LIVER YOU ♥
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 00:53:11 +0000

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