How are you doing? If you are in the United States, are you ready - TopicsExpress


How are you doing? If you are in the United States, are you ready for Thanksgiving? Or are you getting ready for Christmas and New Year? Right now as I look into my own mind, I see this image of fireplace, roasted turkey, happy family gathering, sweet intimate conversations and laughter ... even though Ive never had a real fireplace, eaten turkey (because Im a vegetarian), and I have spent many holidays alone for one reason or another. As for the conversations Ive had during the holidays, they are mostly mundane talk ... Have you experienced something like this? Close your eyes for a moment, breathe, and take a look at the image in your mind of the holiday season... What is it like? Is it similar to what I have? Isnt it funny that we all have an image of what holidays are supposed to be like, and then in reality often experience something totally different? Isnt that why so many of us have difficulties during the holidays, because the images in our mind and our actual experience dont match, or even contradict each other? It took me a few cycles to realize that, and now I can hardly believe myself saying this: I love the holiday season, for REAL ;)! Now since we are going through a radical shift in human history, many of us are facing challenges in life, and holidays can be way off the images in our mind. So, if theres one single little tip I can share with you, that would be: take the outdated image off from your mental wall, and face reality. Keep breathing, keep doing your best wherever, whenever, and youll experience a memorable, imperfect but meaningful holiday. Sounds doable? Introduction Because every week we have new people joining our community, Im going to make it easier for everyone to enter our conversation by adding an introduction at the beginning to what weve been talking about for the past few weeks/months, and to myself. If youve already read this part, please go directly to the main discussion of this weeks topic. This issue is week XII of our 108 Day Living Happy Program. If you have missed the previous issues and our general introduction to the Digital Age, here are the links. I suggest that you go through them. 1.Week 1 - 3 Secret Keys To An Authentic Happy Life 2.Week 2 - 7 Steps To Bring More Miracles Into Your Life 3.Week 3 - 5 Ways To Dissolve Depressing Thoughts On The Spot 4.Week 4 - 7 Steps To Get Out Of The Loneliness Trap 5.Week 5 - Ways To Activate The Power Of Your Words 6.Week 6 - 3 Steps To Transform Your Mistakes Into Happiness 7.Week 7 - The #1 Key That Will Turn Your Life Around No Matter What Happens Out There 8.Week 8 - How To Stay Positive During A Meltdown 9.Week 9 - From Meltdown To Breakthrough In 3 Simple Steps 10.Week 10 - How To Generate Authentic JOY Even When You Feel Sad & Lonely 11.Week 11 - How To Stay Positive When You Feel Not Good Enough? 12.Week 12 - How To Deal With Difficult People During The Holiday Season (Bonus Issue - How To Break The Pattern Of Loneliness & Depression - The Case Of Robin Williams ) (Free ebook - How To Live A Happy Life In The Digital Age ) A Bit About Me Ive personally been through the ride, in case you wonder how I got into all this. I have no religious background, hardly know the Bible (although the little bit Ive learned I deeply love, and I am still learning every day). My own spirituality was awakened organically when I was a teenager in China. There was no spiritual or religious teaching in my environment, but I got it all figured out by myself (LOL) : there was a God. Later on when I immigrated to Canada, I started doing yoga and meditation (about 20 years ago). For the past ten years or so, Ive been doing intensive spiritual training, which tweaked each and every fiber of my being. I had to face all the hidden negative patterns within me, and take personal responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, actions, genes, dreams ... stuff I didnt even know was mine. The process has given me a new life, a new vision into the future. My greatest teachers so far include: Jesus Christ, Buddha, Kuan-yin, Yogananda, Omraam M. Ainanhov, J. Krishnamurti, and many others. Through my own career transition, interviewing people, researching and working with clients, Ive arrived at some practical knowledge of what works and what does not in these fast changing times. This is what I put into my weekly newsletters and upcoming e-courses. Why am I doing this? Because I can see that without helping each other, we cannot make it. The next phase of human evolution is not about individuals surviving the odds, no matter how fit, how smart, how wealthy or even how hardworking you are. Its about thriving together as one compassionate humanity. And that requires a radical shift in the way we think, feel, connect, work, live ... Its going to be a new life, for everyone. How To Neutralize Negativity From Other People? Last week, I discussed how to deal with difficult people during the holidays ( the link is above, in case you havent read it). You can apply many of the same principles in daily life. This week I want to go more in depth about dealing with people who are giving you a hard time. Now, pause for a moment. Stop reading after finishing this paragraph. Close your eyes, breathe deeply from your abdomen for at least three cycles. What comes to your mind when you think of the word people with negativity or negative energy? Now, open your eyes. What/who did you see in your minds eye? Did you see someone or a whole bunch of people in there? They are negative, right? They carry so much negative energy with them wherever they go, right? Thats how the Ego works ( and by the way, we ALL have an ego :)) : negative is in them! The Ego has a HUGE blind spot, and is simply incapable of seeing its own negativity. Thats why if you let it run your life, its going to take you on blind ride. Not even funny, because you will get hurt that way. So what can we do then? How to get rid of the negative energies during the holiday season and beyond? First, you need to get your ego a mirror. You know after a big meal and dessert and everything, if you dont check in the mirror, you can have chocolate mousse all over your face without knowing it! Once I was in my car, eating chocolate, and was wondering why the lady driving the truck beside me kept making funny gestures at me, until I looked in the rear-view mirror ... OMG ... Relationships are our egos mirror. Theyve come to teach us something we cannot see for ourselves. So, first thing first, be a student, take up the beginners mind, and let your teachers teach you. That way youll run into less confrontation, learn more and feel more enriched afterwards. Its the most beneficial role you can play in life: a beginner. But, its not easy. Dont we know it? What if I am trying to be a good beginner, and they yell and scream in my face? ( Ive had that happen to me.) Or what if they assume Im an idiot and take advantage of me? (Ive had that as well ) What if they turn me into a doormat? ( Yes, there are bullies out there. Needless to say, the beginners mind has its disadvantages, which, if you bear with them, eventually will turn into advantages beyond expectation. Thats just how life works. You work honestly, give your best to whomever comes your way, and one day, something far more than your own personal best comes back to you. Others who didnt know what youve been through may say: Oh, thats so unfair! Life is so unfair ... Only God and angels who see everything know that it is the ultimate divine justice. Marcus Aurelius, the ancient Roman Emperor (121 A.D. - 180 A.D.) used to say: “Here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not This is misfortune, but To bear this worthily is good fortune. To bear this worthily means: no blaming, no complaining, but carrying the burden with dignity and integrity. That brings the good fortune. Easier said than done, though. How do you bear it worthily when someones giving you a nasty look, or judging you when you are in a tough spot, or sending you hidden sniper shots, or screaming and yelling in your face or even as you work hard for them, trying to help them, and they pull nasty tricks that cause you pain, emotionally, financially or physically ... ? Just how do you bear all the cr** worthily in life? If lifes all easy breezy, who needs your efforts? If you look back on your life, what are the moments you cherish the most? The moments that are deeply meaningful to you, that make you feel everything is worthwhile? Are they culmination of an easy breezy trip? Once weve climbed our mountains, we want to tell others: my mountain was this tall, that deep, and the climate was this harsh, and the road was that bumpy ... But in the midst of our upward journey, our mind inevitably would be: this is unbearable! get the cr** off my path! So, the first and last step to take if you want to experience a good holiday season or a good life is: setting up the right expectations. That means taking into account the complete journey of life, the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the mountain tops and deep valleys. Life is no flatland. And weve all come here to make the journey, to learn and improve ourselves. Keep doing your best, and one day, inevitably, youll reach your mountain top, then all the injustice youve endured will turn into good fortune that is more than fair in others eyes. Neat, isnt it ;)? Meanwhile, we do want to make our trips as pleasant as possible and to counter the bitterness and hardship. We are going through a radical shift in the course of human history. Lots of things are get shaken up. Life is really not very comfortable for many people. So, lets see what we can do to minimize the pain. I say minimize not avoid pain. Anytime you try running away from something, especially something nasty, they come after you with doubled, tripled nastiness. So, face it first, accept the pain. Then we can proceed reducing and minimizing it. Makes sense? All our mental-emotional experiences from this and past lives, whether you remember them or not, are stored in our aura, which is another layer of our body. When we interact with other people, our auras start to interact with theirs, awakening similar feelings, thoughts, emotions. Thats why sometimes we can feel judged even without them saying anything. And if you are really sensitive, you can feel that even without these people being in your presence. In other words, your mental-emotional world can be affected, positively or negatively, without you physically interacting with anyone. Now because of the radical shift we are all going through, many of us are growing more sensitive, and we are all interacting a lot, not only through physical contact, but also through digital cyber space communication. So, you are the world, literally! So am I. The good news is: we are in this together. There are inevitable hurts and pains, from our own past and from our collective human past. But through compassion and kindness we can minimize them, and shift our energy to build a peaceful harmonious world together. If your aura is filled with Love, Peace & Light, all luminous positive energy, then the pain doesnt matter that much. Your light can eat the pain for breakfast, lunch and dinner, digest it and eliminate the waste. In traditional terms, thats called giving it to God, and let Him handle it. Just like your physical digestive process, you dont have to tell your stomach what to do, it knows. Your body has its built-in intelligence, and knows exactly what to do to absorb the nutrients and eliminate the waste. God has done all of that for you. Conversely, if your connection with your Creator is weak, and you dont practice Love, Peace and Light, compassion and kindness in your daily life, then your aura will be weak, and the negative energies wont be properly digested or transformed into Love, Peace & Light. In that case you will feel exhausted, low energy or pain, but that doesnt have to be misfortune In its turn, the pain, when taken well, will prompt you to boost up your mental emotional digestive system. And thats how we turn our misfortune into good fortune. When youve learned your lesson well, taken the pain, and use it to strengthen your emotional digestion, you will be like a Divine teaching assistant. You start to understand how Gods mechanism works and know how to uplift yourself and others. Thats pretty cool, isnt it? Great Masters like Jesus and Buddha, because their aura is so filled with pure Love, Peace & Light, they can absorb and transform a lot of peoples negative energies. So wherever they go, they uplift others burdens. Now, its our turn to follow suit, for ourselves, for our future and for a new compassionate humanity. How exactly can we improve our own aura? 1) Through learning, understanding and compassion Our right hand does not fight with our left hand, neither does our left foot trip our right foot. Our body parts know how to collaborate with each other. If weve got in our own way, its because we didnt know any better. When we feel others negativity or pains, we need to look in the mirror, and see in what way we are participating in the game. As soon as we see how weve been hurting ourselves, well know what to do to stop investing energy in that direction. A deep understanding of the situation will also reveal the other persons pain. Hurt people hurt others. In the words of Marianne Williamson: The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love. When they hurt you as result of their own pain, these negative people are really saying: please help me. I am in this dark pit, help me get out of here. If we ignore or resist their call, then they feel the need to call louder, or even scream, which will make things worse. True, sometimes you can only help so much, and if they dont take personal responsibility, theres not much more for you to help. They have to live their own life. In that case, you need to 2) consciously transform pain into Love, Peace and Light You can do this by sending out Love, Peace and Light to these people regularly, BEFORE you meet them. That way you help uplift their spirit. And you help your own light to shine brightly, so that it is capable of digesting or transforming negativity into luminous positive energy Use this powerful prayer of Love, Peace and Light on a daily basis will make things a lot easier for you. Once learned, it takes less than a minute to do. Ive been using it for over a decade, and have seen/heard miracles as a result of this practice. 3) consciously strengthening your own aura for protection Using the right mantras can be very effective when it comes to cleansing, purifying our aura of accumulated trash from the past, most of which we have completely forgotten. The more luminous and more clear you aura is, the less pain will you experience. You will be living in your own portable paradise. One word of caution, you need to share your happiness with others, otherwise your portable paradise will be like a cocoon, cutting you off from others, and youll feel disconnected. Serving others is the ultimate path leading to freedom and happiness. The best most effective mantras Ive used for clearing my aura are from Rootlight. Dr. Levry has produced 34 albums that are used by tens of thousands of people all over the world. Here are a few that can help your aura very effectively: - Triple Mantra for protection, emergency situations, safety in traffic - Lumen de Lumine for opening and healing the heart, emotions and feelings - House Of Ram for burning karma and improving radiance of your aura Ive used these mantras for many difficult situations, including when people were screaming and yelling in my face. Thats why Im recommending them to you. If you consciously use these mantras and the Love Peace & Light prayer to learn and improve yourself, you will not only reduce your own pain to a minimum in these fast changing times, but also uplift others and humanity through this powerful transitional period. In the future when you look back at all the challenges youve experienced, all the unfairness that youve carried, youll see only beauty, strength and magnificence beyond your own imagination. Theres no pain, no hurt, no wound that cannot be healed in Gods infinite Love Peace & Light. Now Id like to hear from you. Are you feeling more and more sensitive these days? What do you do to filter out unnecessary pain? Do you find your online communities helpful in terms of dealing with the challenges you encounter these days? Are there issues that you want me to address that are not covered so far? Please write me an email. I always look forward to hearing from you. This Sunday is new moon again, the last one before the holiday frenzy begins. So, take some time to look ahead into the next year, and see what you need to do to step into a new chapter, a new life. OK, on that note, Im signing off here. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. We are at the end of our 108 Day Living Happy Program. So Ill take next week off as well. For December Ill try to work less, so that I can plan for Breathing Happiness 2015! Heres wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Peace & Luminous Blessings, Liping.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:46:43 +0000

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