How can God be crucified to save humanity? Christians have - TopicsExpress


How can God be crucified to save humanity? Christians have exceeded all limits to relate injustice to God the Almighty. They have indeed undermined God in ways that no other nation has ever done before. In fact, they are far away from praising God or glorifying Him. They claim that when Adam (PBUH) ate from the forbidden tree, God became angry and directed punishment onto him; that punishment continued on Adam’s offsprings until the coming of Jesus (PBUH). His crucifixion was to relieve the generations after him from their forefather’s sin. Christians also claim that all the sons of Adam (PBUH) were imprisoned by Satan, even the prophets of God such as, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, et al (PBUT). On the other hand, let us see what the Quran says about these respected prophets: (6: 84-86) “We gave him Isaac and Jacob: All (three) We guided: And before him, We guided Noah, And among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: Thus do We reward Those who do good (84) And Zakariya and John, And Jesus and Elias: All in the ranks of the Righteous (85) And Ismail, and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot: And to all We gave favour above the nations(86).” We know that Abraham’s father was a nonbeliever and God did not punish Abraham (PBUH) for his father’s grave sin. Why would God hold him responsible for his forefathers (Adam’s) sin? This is, if we assume that Adam did not repent. However, God has declared that he has repented and was granted forgiveness by Him. This is what Allah the Almighty says about Adam (PBUH): (2:37) “Then received Adam from his Lord certain words and his Lord repented him; for He Is The Oft-Repenting, The Bestower of Mercy”. (2:37) The Christians have gone out of their way to claim that it was through crucifixion, which is one of the grave sins, that God has saved Adam (PBUH) and his offsprings from hell fire. They also claim that it was through crucifixion that God was able to trick Satan, not withstanding the fact that Satan disobeyed God and deserved punishment since the time he refused to prostrate to Adam (PBUH) and he misled him to commit the sin. In fact, God had the ability to punish Satan long before the coming of Jesus (PBUH). Thus, one cannot help but to question the assumption as to why the sons of Adam are to be held accountable for their forefather’s mistake. As a matter of fact, the life of Jesus (PBUH) is much involved in mystery, and indeed the greater part of his private life, except the three main years of his ministry. It is not profitable to discuss the many doubts and conjectures among the early Christian sects and among Muslim scholars. The Orthodox Christian Church make it a cardinal point of their doctrine that his life was taken on the cross, that he died and and was buried, that on the third day he rose in body with his wounds intact, and walked about and conversed, and ate with his disciples, and was afterwards taken up bodily to heaven. This is necessary for the theological doctrine of blood sacrifice and vicarious atonement for sins including the innate Original Sin, which is rejected by Islam. However, some of the early Christian sects rejected the doctrine that Jesus was killed on the cross. Deedat in his book Crucifixion or Crucifiction (PP. 19-38) has provided numerous references to the falsity of this concept. He drew most of his evidence from the Bible and other writings by Christian authorities.. Ahmad Al-husary
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:56:16 +0000

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