How can YOU have spiritual INTIMACY with GOD? 12 important - TopicsExpress


How can YOU have spiritual INTIMACY with GOD? 12 important THINGS you need to KNOW & DO: Walking and talking with God is important to you and to God, because similar to human relationships, a close relationship with God requires communication and sharing. You cannot enjoy spiritual intimacy with God if you and God are not talking and sharing together. Walking and talking with God makes it very easy for God to call us and assign us tasks that he wants us to do with him, for him, and through him. John 12:49 records Jesus as saying, For I did not speak on my own initiative, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak.” If the Lord Jesus Christ listened and echoed what he heard Father God speak to him, how important is it for us to do likewise. If the Holy Spirit is to guide and counsel us, it will help if we hear him. Therefore, walking and talking with the divine and spiritual intimacy with Father God, with Christ, and with the Holy Spirit, is very important to each one of us for multiple reasons. 12 IMPORTANT THINGS needed to develop INTIMACY with GOD: 1. You have to be interested. God assures us that he is interested, but Jesus assures us that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [and God is righteousness], are those who are blessed. It is important that we are keen. Like in our relationships with people, if we are not keen, it shows and it influences negatively on relationships. God wants to come close to each one of us, but we are all different, and as in our human relationships, some of us have nicer and more appealing hearts, natures, and temperaments. This shows in the life of Jesus, in that he loved the whole world, but he still had close friends and those who were not as close. Jesus was attracted to the hearts of some people more than to others. King David had a special heart, a special love, and God loved David’s heart more than most. 2. You have to give up time every day. From experience, it takes 1 to 2 hours each day, if we want closeness with him. Giving this time also display to God our interest, our hunger, our thirst, our heart. 3. Do not watch commercial TV or listen to commercial radio. The more the world comes into your head and your heart, the harder it is to get close to God. Watching positive spiritual God glorifying programs can be helpful. Also, beware News services because they can fill your head with worries, fear, and frustration, rather than peace, faith, and trust. Be careful of what you read. Popular woman’s magazines can be filled with hateful and critical gossip about other women, and God hates it. A lot of advertising uses women, which can prompt lustful thoughts in men, and can prompt envious and material thoughts in women. 4. Take care of the company you keep. It is very important that you do not seek to be one with people who hate God, people who pull down and mock God, people who are immoral and do not like the things that God likes. If you keep company with people who make God into a joke and you laugh with them, or you mix with people who are immoral and make a joke out of morality and you laugh with them, you will deeply offend God. You cannot enjoy the company of people who do not enjoy the company of God, without offending God and damaging your relationship with him. You may have to work with people like that, but do not fellowship and harmonize with them. You may seek to influence them for the good by introducing them to the love of Jesus, but do not let them influence you and take you away from the love of Jesus. 5. You need a private and distraction free place to share with God. As it is in our marriages, intimacy is enjoyed privately and somewhere free of distractions. In our intimacy with God, it is important to turn the phones off, to have no distractions. 6. Spend time each day quietly reading the Psalms, reading the words of Jesus in the Gospels. It is important for prepare our minds. God feels more at home in our company when we desire to develop the mind of Christ, and reading Bible is important. 7. Listen to praise and sing praises to God. God loves music and praise, and it helps to bring us closer into his heart. 8. Think before you speak to God. It is important not to always bring to God everything you want and need physically. You may do that at other times, but not when you are trying to develop spiritual intimacy with God. Let God know how keen you are to get to know him. Tell him that you want to hear from him, you want to hear his voice; you want to be able to share with him. Ask him for the spiritual sensitivity to hear him. Tell him that you will do whatever he tells you to do, no matter how difficult or challenging it is. Tell him that you are ready to have your love for him, tested. Tell him you love him. Tell him that you do not know how to get close to him and ask him to show you, to lead you, to guide you. 9. Your silence is important to God and to you. Often prayer without words, without thoughts, is best. It may come after listening to praise and singing praise for 20 minutes, reading scripture for 20 minutes, expressing your beautiful thoughts of love for God in tender words to him for 20 minutes, and after praying with words for 20 minutes. Finishing your special daily times with God in silence is important. Sense him in the silence. Close your eyes and feel for his presence. Seek him; reach out to him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love him with every essence of your being. 10. You must respect God. He has a very sensitive heart. He is easily hurt and offended. Do not push or be disrespectful to God, but be humble, gentle and tender with him, for his heart is the most beautiful and sweetest heart you will ever taste. 11. Spiritual intimacy with God is mostly experienced ‘in the Spirit’. It is very real, more real than earthly and physical experiences, but to give up the known [the body/the flesh] and to only be in the Spirit, is unfamiliar at first, and it can take time before we are completely comfortable to let go and to trust God with our spiritual selves. 12. In the Spirit, you will push into, passing between the folds of what may appear like a heavy curtain. Inside this, you will find what appears like water, liquid, like liquid crystal, and you will not be floating on it, but submerged in it. You may want to breathe, which you can, but you can also not breathe. You are in the essence of the Divine. You are in God’s heart. You are enjoying the qualities and nature of his heart. What you will experience is a Oneness, a stillness, no need for speech, no need for thoughts, the language is pure love. You will need a lot of love in your heart for God, to enter within him. You will want for nothing. You will feel secure, safe, and experience a peace you have never felt before. It is euphoric. You are experiencing spiritual intimacy with God. The only thing you will want is never to depart from being in the Spirit to return to the flesh. What you experience is the feeling that fills heaven. PLEASE NOTE: The process can take one or two years, so keen persistence may be required, but if you have a lot of love in your heart for God, God’s heart filled with love is there for you to find and plunge into. Be careful with your human relationships, because if you think you can love God and abuse your husband, your wife, your children, your parents, or your neighbors, you will find that God’s hearts is very hard for you to find, until you learn to love both the easy to love and the difficult to love. IMPORTANT to TEST the SPIRITS: As you grow in spiritual sensitivity, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that you know who is sharing with you. One fundamental is that God will never speak anything that breaches Bible. God cannot and will not teach anything contrary to what is written in the Bible, because it is truth. Because his Word is truth, it cannot change without it being untrue in the first place. If his Word is untrue in the first place, and he said it is the truth, then he is a liar, and we know God is not a liar. Aside from knowing Bible, it is important to test the spirits. To do this, simply ask the one speaking to you if the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of Father God most high, is Savior God, and is seated reigning beside Father God. If you are talking to Father God, the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit, they will be very pleased to confirm for you as you request, and they will usually repeat back to you confirming your statement. If the one you are talking to is not deity, they cannot confirm your statement, and will usually fall silent. When this happens, it is best simply to ask God to speak to you and confirm your statement, which he always will. Then you can proceed with confidence. Only speak and share with the Divine and never engage in conversation with one who cannot confirm the above God glorifying statement. Read and Share excerpts from The Valentine Prophecies at thevalentineprophecies/book. #Christian #Islamist #Jew
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:22:52 +0000

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