How did the rich manage to stay in control of the world after the - TopicsExpress


How did the rich manage to stay in control of the world after the introduction of democracy? Simple. They created an all-powerful entity outside of the political process and gave it a neutral name so that no one would recognize it for what it was. Their ingenious creation was THE MARKET. Have you ever voted for the market? Have you ever influenced it? Have you ever got rid of anyone from the market? Do you even know what the market is? Do you know who runs it? Do you know what its agenda is? In truth, you are totally ignorant about the market and thats exactly how its intended to be. No one must ask any questions of the market. Its designed to be a kind of free-floating, anonymous abstraction with Godlike powers that no one dares to challenge. You cant buck the market! Yet theres no mystery at all about the market for anyone with eyes to see. Its comprised of private corporations, private banks, private insurance companies, private entrepreneurs, private lawyers, private accountants, private economists, private lobbyists, private super rich, private elite dynastic families of supreme privilege. Only extremely rich right wing people play a central role in the market. We might as well call the market Wall Street ... and Goldman Sachs in particular. Why is a Zionist right wing entity allowed to control the economy and the political process? Genuine left wing governments are an impossibility in market-driven nations, and thats the whole point. The market has no left wing players and rejects all left wing ideas. If you accept MARKETOCRACY - rule by markets - you have guaranteed never-ending rule by the rich. Anarcho-capitalist libertarians are those who want to destroy government and the State completely and have everything run by markets. Their Bible is Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged, the sickening right wing hymn to greed and selfishness. All anarcho-capitalist libertarians are on the far right of the political spectrum. They are the friends and allies of the super rich elite. They are all ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE. No decent society should tolerate these people who actively despise society. There is no such thing as society. - Margaret Thatcher, heroine of the far right. The market MUST be brought under complete political control, under the complete control of the PEOPLE. Unelected and unaccountable private individuals cannot be allowed to control public politics according to their own self-serving, right wing ideology: Greed is good; selfishness is divine. The market is the most cunning and sinister political takeover in history. It is how the rich bypassed democracy and ruled regardless of who was in the White House. They think no one has realized what they are up to. But the Illuminati have seen right through them. Thats why they have gone to such extraordinary lengths to demonize the Illuminati, using extreme right wingers such as Alex Jones to launch their campaign of disinformation and misinformation against us, and using their puppet David Icke to invent insane stories about the Illuminati being alien lizards!!! Wall Street must be defeated. Its time for Main Street to be in charge. Or are the people too scared to assume responsibility for their own destiny? Meritocracy must replace privilege. Equal opportunities for all must replace rigged systems run by omnipotent cartels of the rich. The disgusting and evil anarcho- capitalist libertarians must be defeated. Whats it to be? Wall Street or Main Street? Can anyone seriously believe that the Founding Fathers intended that unaccountable markets should run America? Of what worth is the Constitution if markets completely ignore it, or bend it exclusively to their own interests? Of what value is the Republic if its a sham and actually a Plutocracy? - the impregnable citadel of the super rich. Its time for a new politics. Its time for true democracy. Its time for real People Power. End the phoney war. Put the people in charge. The Meritocracy Party is the new face of Democracy. Its all about meritocratic democracy, as contrasted with plutocratic democracy (the current system where rich elites pull all the strings). We are the supreme DEFENDERS of true democracy because we are determined to give the people real power, rather than the Wizard of Ozs illusory version of power. The people are NOT in charge in current democracy. Corporations, banks, lobbyists, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, the privileged elites and markets run nations, not the people or their elected representatives. Democracy is PEOPLE POWER, and power is exactly what the people are forbidden from having by the markets and the rich! Its time for government of the people by the people for the people rather than government of the people by the rich for the rich. Destroy the power of Wall Street. Destroy the privileged elites. Destroy the markets that have stolen power from the people and then sold it back to them at an exorbitant interest rate as slavery to the Ownership Class of the super rich. Ever feel like youve been conned? Ever feel that youre one of the suckers? You are if you let your political system be controlled by markets over which you have ZERO say. Stop being a dumbocrat and become a meritocratic democrat. Free-market democracy is ANTI-DEMOCRACY. Wake up! See whats really going on. Join the Meritocracy Party. The Globalization Conspiracy The rich owe their allegiance to no nation states, only to each other. The rich will go wherever the price is right. They will transfer factories and jobs from America to China without hesitation if it will increase their profits. They have no loyalty. They couldnt care less about America or Americans. The whole world is the rich mans stage. The rich are a global superclass who see themselves as rulers of the world and masters of the universe. They intend to use the market to dictate to every government on earth. Soon, they will have TOTAL POWER (if they dont already), and not one of these people is elected by the people or accountable to the people. No government has the power or guts to stand up to them. When the American government bailed out the financial institutions and saddled the taxpayers with enormous debts, were the people consulted? Or was it a case of a group of rich people sitting around a table deciding what was best for the market? Whatever happened to No taxation without representation? You can be sure that in every matter that counts, the people are never consulted, but have to pay the taxes anyway. Globalization is the means by which the Old World Order are becoming the dictators of the world: a super rich dynastic privileged elite that can never be voted out. They are establishing a hereditary ruling caste. Do you understand how clever they have been? When any politician talks about having to be friendly towards business and the markets, what they mean is that they must do the bidding of the rich. Rich = Business = the Market. It would cause a revolution if politicians said that they were deliberately acting against the interests of the people in order to help the rich, so they never do say any such thing. The rich are referred to in such abstract terms that no one knows its them. To the average person, the market seems like something floating in the ether. They dont associate it with groups of rich people doing everything in their power to maximize their profits, no matter how much damage is done to everyone else. Goldman Sachs plays a huge role in the market. Therefore, when governments talk about having to help the market, what they mean is help Goldman Sachs and increase its profits. Virtually every government in the world is advised by Goldman Sachs in one way or another. Who elected Goldman Sachs? No one. But, of course, the market is OUTSIDE political control. The whole point of the market is to give the rich control of the world without being in any way subject to the will of the people. Everyone unwittingly plays along. No one wants to challenge the markets or undermine them. The situation is now crystal clear. Is politics about serving the people or serving the market (the rich)? Can there be any conceivable doubt that every politician in the capitalist West works for the rich and would never seek to bring the markets under government control? The rich have hijacked the political system and made it work for them. All political parties are a joke and all politicians are a joke. They simply act as the front men for the rich. They create the illusion that the people have a say. It never matters whos in power because the world is run by the market and the market is deliberately kept separate from the political process so that the rich can rule without interference. That is what democracy has delivered - rule by the rich. Isnt it time for meritocratic democracy where the smartest people in the world will design a brand new system that makes the market accountable to the people and thus brings to an end the rule of the rich? Join the true democrats. Join the Meritocracy Party. Too Big To Fail Why were financial institutions run by private individuals allowed to become so big that if they failed they would destroy the economy, thus ensuring that they all had a tacit guarantee that the State would underwrite them and bail them out if they got any trouble? What happened in 2008? These giant institutions, after decades of insane recklessness, breathtakingly irresponsible risk taking and almost zero regulation (i.e. they were to all intents and purposes completely free markets operating without government interference) did indeed fail and did indeed have to be bailed out as the global economy threatened to topple into the abyss. The rich kept their wealth and lucrative jobs: the tax payers had enormous debts run up by private individuals dumped on them. And you think thats a SANE system? Heres the simple truth. Governments dont govern. The market doesnt allow them to govern. Imagine that the American government declared that never again would ANY institution, company or corporation be allowed to become too big to fail, or so big as to achieve a dominant, monopolistic position. Do you think Congress would pass any such law? You must be joking. Imagine the American government curbing the dominant, monopolistic positions of leviathans such as Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, PayPal and Amazon, thus allowing genuine competition and innovation to flourish. Well, its impossible to imagine, isnt it? America would have to be an entirely different nation to curb the irresistible rise of moguls and tycoons who then dictate to the government in their own selfish interests. Tim Berners-Lee was the man who invented the World Wide Web and he gave it away for nothing as his astonishing gift to the world. A true saint if ever there was one. Yet others - parasites - have profited enormously from his munificence. Who made all the money? AMERICAN BUSINESS. No astonishing freebies from them. Same old, same old. You see, the fundamental contradiction at the heart of capitalist democracy is that capitalism and democracy have nothing in common at all. Capitalism is about private capital, private corporations and private business people, often with dictatorial powers. In other words, its all about the PRIVATELY RICH. Democracy in ancient Athens, home of democracy, was precisely about transferring power from the private rich TO THE PEOPLE. Does anyone imagine the Athenians would have removed power from the Thirty Tyrants in order to give power to the market, controlled by the Thirty Tyrants! You either get rid of the rich or you dont pretend to be a democracy. Capitalist democracy has achieved the astonishing feat of putting the private rich back in power within a so-called democracy. The devilish subterfuge was accomplished by placing the interests of the private rich in an entity external to the election process of democracy - in the capitalist market, in other words. So, no matter who you elect democratically, you never change the capitalist market with your vote. You have no power over it at all. But it has endless power over you since your livelihood depends on the market and the jobs associated with it. Tellingly, no business is EVER run as a democracy. Ever wondered why not? If democracy is so good and so admired by business leaders, why do they ignore it 100% in their own businesses? Doesnt that tell you everything you need to know about whats really going on? Capitalist democracy (plutocratic democracy) has given the world the most toxic political system in history where the privately wealthy control the world (via the market) and the moronic masses are deluded into thinking that they have a say over their own fate (via democratic elections). Never have the victims gone so willingly into the slaughterhouse, into the Meat Grinder. The rich were presented with a puzzle. How could they run the world while making the people think they were the ones in charge? Capitalist democracy was their inspired answer that has fooled generation after generation of democratic suckers. Something as simple as an election campaign and election every four years is enough to con the people that they decide how they are governed. Nothing ever changes, of course, no matter whos in power, because the market is actually running the country and its NEVER up for election. Arent you in awe of the cunning of the rich? Arent you staggered by the idiocy of the people? Are they all BLIND? You CANNOT have democracy and free-market capitalism together. They are diametrically opposed. You either put the rich in charge, or you put the people in charge. Whats it to be? In meritocratic democracy, the farce is brought to an end. The rich are told once and for all whos in charge - the PEOPLE. All entities external to the political process that have power over the political process are brought under DIRECT government control. All people in positions of power must be elected and accountable to their electorate. This, of course, spells the end of free-market capitalism - rule by the rich. It will be replaced by meritocratic, social capitalism (aka public capitalism) where the capitalist beast is tamed and made to work for the people rather than against them. Isnt it time for true democracy where elections actually count? Then its time for meritocratic democracy. Join the meritocratic movement. People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. - Adam Smith (father of free-market capitalism!) There are more fools than knaves in the world, else the knaves would not have enough to live on. - Samuel Butler The rich knaves feed on the democratic fools. The anarcho-capitalist libertarians want to do away with even the illusion of democracy (of government and the State) and have the rich totally in charge permanently. They are the best friends the super rich elite could ever have. The anarcho-capitalist libertarians want to give the elite exactly what they crave: ABSOLUTE POWER without any interference from politicians at all. The anarcho-capitalist libertarians are the Devils Army, the shock troops of the elite. Who should run the world? Enlightened, talented, smart people like Tim Berners-Lee, or the CEO of Goldman Sachs? Its time for a New Humanity and a New World Order of true people power. Its time to smash the Old World Order (rule by the rich). This is the greatest of all questions for humanity - who should rule? The rich or the People?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:59:58 +0000

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