How do you know when you’re stressed? Are your shoulders tense? - TopicsExpress


How do you know when you’re stressed? Are your shoulders tense? Maybe you grind your teeth or twirl your hair. Maybe you hold your breath. Maybe you get a headache or bite your nails. Me? I sit perched on the edge of my chair, staring at my computer, holding my breath and feeling like I don’t have enough time! It’s not pretty. But at least I recognize the signs now. Because you have to recognize that you’re stressed to be able to deal with it! Aside from making some major life changes, cutting back on caffeine and getting more exercise (which are all things to consider if you have regular stress), I like to have some quick-fixes up my sleeve. And no, I’m not talking about a large glass of Pinot Noir. Simple Home Remedies to Reduce Stress Sip a chamomile infusion. Chamomile is an essential part of your home remedy toolkit! I suggest buying loose chamomile and making your own infusion. This basically means, put 2 Tablespoons of dried, loose chamomile flowers in a teapot (or French press), fill with boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, then strain and drink. You might also add some honey. Chamomile is a super safe and versatile herb – it has been used for centuries for reducing stress, relaxation and soothing upset tummies. If you know you’re going to have a stressful day – drink chamomile tea early and often. Yes, you can just buy chamomile tea bags, but they’re a lot more expensive than brewing your own. Essential Oils to the rescue! Lavender essential oil is the classic stress-reducer. But I also love Clary Sage essential oil. Clary Sage is relaxing and de-stressing, but also has a warming and uplifing effect on your emotions (which is helpful when you’re feeling frazzled!) If you’re at home, put a few drops of one or both of the oils in an oil burner or diffuser. On the move, you can put a drop of each oil on a handkerchief and smell it occasionally. Or make my… Stress Relief Spray: in a portable spray bottle combine some rosewater (or distilled water), and a few drops of lavender and clary sage essential oils. Shake to combine. Mist your face or your general environment as needed, and enjoy the relaxing aroma… Take an aromatherapy bath. Baths are relaxing enough, but for some extra stress-relief, I like to add a handful of epsom salts and 10 drops of essential oil to the running bath. You can use the lavender/clary sage mix as above, but I also like adding some Rose essential oil or Ylang Ylang essential oil. Just keep it to 10 drops total. Soak for 20 minutes, then towel off and apply… Stress relief body oil! For a super simple body oil, combine 1/2 cup sweet almond oil with 10 drops total of your favorite essential oils. Try Geranium and Rose, or for a more masculine scent, add some Sandalwood or Vetiver. Pour into a pretty bottle and use as a moisturizer after your bath or shower. Drink some water. I know it’s not exciting, but when you’re feeling stressed make sure you’re hydrating yourself throughout the day. Having enough water helps your body function at its peak, and also helps to flush out any toxins. Drinking enough water also helps stabilize your mood and prevents the energy slump that comes from dehydration. Eat some green, leafy veg. Greens are the most nutrient dense food, and we often don’t eat enough of them. In times of stress, making sure you boost your intake of green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach and (my favorite) kale will ensure you body gets the nutrients it needs to handle the stress! These are 7 quick fixes for stress, but ultimately we need to deal with the underlying causes. I also truly believe that some mindfulness training really helps reduce stress levels and put things in perspective. Still feeling stressed? Check out my tips to reduce stress without changing your life. Are you stressed? What are your favorite stress relief quick fixes?
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:58:04 +0000

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