How is Reiki given: The Reiki healer has been trained and - TopicsExpress


How is Reiki given: The Reiki healer has been trained and initiated into Reiki. It is passed from teacher to student. The healer becomes a conduit for healing life force. When the healer has the intent to make the Reiki flow, with the intent to heal, this life force of intent flows through the healer into the client. We are not the healer. We are a conduit for the energy that we have been attuned to. Reiki, with the healers focused intent, will go where the client needs the energy, the cause of the problems and how to heal her/him. Reiki works on every level, Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Reiki flows through the practitioner and connects with the cells of the client giving the client exactly what he/she needs and how much. The healer is moving energy by intent - energy follows thought and where the mind goes, so goes the energy. Reiki does this by flowing through the areas of the energy field where these negative blocks have attached themselves and charges them with positive energy. It raises the vibration of the energy field causing the negative energy to break up and clear it out. In doing this, the life force can flow through the energy pathways in a healthy, natural and balanced way. Reiki works on any living thing, animals, plants. Animals love Reiki, too. Reiki can be focused upon your future path, or a future event. For example, if you were planning to speak in front of an audience, or going to a job interview and were somewhat nervous. You might want to apply Reiki toHow you feel after a Reiki session is as individual as the person receiving Reiki. Reiki is a subtle, but very effective vibrational energy. If one feels bad after a session, there can be a number of reasons. Reiki is a positive, loving vibration. During a Reiki session, the negative, toxic vibrations of the individual whether they be of a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual nature will be stirred up, brought to the surface to be removed from the clients system. It is a type of cleansing, and sometimes one will feel worse before she/he feels better. Reiki vibrates the negative energy out of the problem area. Reiki raises the persons vibration, negative energy lowers ones vibration. One may have symptoms that may lead to the root of the problem. You may ache, have a headache, stomach ache, which can indicate detoxification. After a Reiki Session: Healing comes in many ways. Most people have a sense of peace and well being after a Reiki session, some have symptoms of de-toxification, others feel worse before they feel better. We are always looking for the miraculous and though it can occur, sometimes we miss what we are being shown, so talk to your Practitioner about your session and how you feel. When we ask for Reiki, we ask for help, healing and well being. And remember, we do not get in our not-so-well-being condition overnight. It may take several sessions to see improvement or notice a difference. Regardless of what one feels after a session, Reiki has been received on some level of being. the event, in order to instill calm and blessings upon everyone involved. 1. You need to take a few minutes to lay still absorbing the Reiki energy and let all that you have received settle into completion. This is a very important part of the process. 2. Most of the time a person will feel relaxed and uplifted by a Reiki treatment. However, sometimes as a person’s vibration goes up, toxins that have been stored in the liver and kidneys will be removed from the system. When this happens sometimes a person will have a headache or stomach ache or feel weak. If this happens, it is a good idea to drink more water, eat lighter meals and get more rest. The body is cleansing as part of the healing process so this is a good sign. 3. Sometimes you may have an emotional release during or after a session. This may even happen weeks or months after your Reiki session. This loving, intelligent energy goes where it is needed whether it is on a mental, emotional, body level or spirit level. Since all are interrelated, all parts benefit. 4. When you get home, drink plenty of water. If you feel like resting or taking a nap, then do so. This is because after a Reiki session, some people begin to de-toxify. Feel free to call me if you are having de-toxification symptoms or emotional releases and we will talk about it. (Mel Williams hope this helps shed some light on any reactions people have from Reiki) Love and Light :-)
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 16:00:54 +0000

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