How is that for a little bit of TRUTH in the midst of much - TopicsExpress


How is that for a little bit of TRUTH in the midst of much ignorance? We should all demand reparations for slavery! Hey! We may be related to the white people who were taken in the Barbery Slave trade! Or...maybe people need to stop whining about how their great, great, granddaddy or grandma my was a slave and so they should be paid reparations as if they were the one who suffered under the yoke of slavery! It is sick and unfounded as there are so many opportunities for any serious individual who at least tries to make something of themselves in this Country of ours, regardless of race or racial origin, as long as they have the skills and are serious about their trade! Most are not and that is why they suffer as they do, due to laziness and a give up attitude while in school and thus they struggle their whole lives needlessly and blame the result of their laziness on the fact that a distant relative long ago used to be a slave in this Nation! Get educated and get a job and treat both of these seriously and you are guaranteed to be met with a reasonable amount of success regardless of race!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:50:52 +0000

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