How it happens to be that some people are so lovely and - TopicsExpress


How it happens to be that some people are so lovely and others.......well you know....... Lovely: Yesterday I heard about a Cadet who was recovering from a terrible injury, I am not sure how this injury happened and I do not know this young man, I just wanted to wish him well in his healing process and a speedy recovery so he can continue with his education at West Point....and also to let him know he was in my thoughts and prayers. I didnt expect a least not immediately. I received the nicest message back from this young man just thanking me for my concern and wishing my son the best. So often I will send a message to a friend or colleague and never get a response....I used to find this bit rude but have gotten used to it...thinking everyone is just busy. So it touched me that this young man took the time so quickly to write me a note. Time is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone in my opinion. Side bar: As of late I am often surprised how few people listen...I was working with someone the other day...I dont just chit chat while I if I do say something...I feel it is something important or something I want to share. It was so evident that this person was either not listening or they were was not a big deal but it was still noticed. Not so Lovely: Yesterday a friend asked me to go with her to get a headshot for her new job. (And yes ...I did tell her that I know all of you fantastic photographers and I also am married to one. But you know how people are, she wanted to use someone that her company referred to her. Ugggghhhhh....I can not tell you how unpleasant this experience was. I had not met the photographer before but he had a nice studio and although his work was not appealing to me it was apparent he had been in the business for a long time. Immediately the guy was rushing my friend and let her know he had a wedding and not much time......which is ok because she really only needed one photo.....he told me and my friends daughter to wait in the waiting area but I could hear the conversation as I waited..........he was rude and insulting( I thought) But thinking I am just spoiled working with all of you I tried to ignore. When they out came out we sat down and went through the approx 20 to 15 shots he took...he wasnt too rude during this process(at least not to my friend) She mentioned to him I was a make up artist(even though I told her not to) He immediately told me he doesnt use make up artist and they contact him all the time. I wasnt going with her looking for work lol I was going with her because she was nervous. But me forever trying to be nice and break the ice, said as he edited her one photo she was allowed to select.....oh...that is nice...i am teaching myself photoshop.....I had never done one of the actions he did to move the when I told him this he said.....oh this is professional dont have this is like $700.00 (jackass).....I said oh.....what version do you have (I really dont know if there is a pro or rookie version and really dont care...just trying to learn to use what I have) ...he says this is photoshop 5......I said oh.....I have photoshopCs6...... When he edited the photo...he darkened the outer edges and removed some slight imperfections....the photo turned out fine....but nothing special (again I know I am spoiled by who I work with) So if that was not enough of a turn off...And believe me that are several things I am leaving out because this is a bit long winded. After telling us how the photo he gave her was great and no one out there does this( little touch ups he does). (Boy was she lucky!) As we were leaving...I handed him my card (he had already handed me his.....he says...oh I have make up artist contact me all the time.....well that was just about all I could take.....I looked at him said.....I am not try ing to solicit business from you (as it never crossed my mind that I would want to work with him) I said I was just exchanging cards in case someone asked for someone who did head shots (in other words I was just being polite) What would make a professional act like this. So...lovely to me is the person who takes the time to be polite and thoughtful. Not so lovely: the person who either goes out of his way or does no know better to be so rude.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:03:35 +0000

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