How lame is it that we live in a society I think its funny that - TopicsExpress


How lame is it that we live in a society I think its funny that people think theyre helping someone when they instill fear into their consciousness. Im just trying to help you, yeah thats great that youre all positive and all, but you need to be realistic here, get a real job blah, if theres no evidence of it happening its not going to happen, blah. No, No, NO. YOURE LYING AND I DONT BELIEVE YOU! I do not accept this belief. I dont think that I have to sacrifice my self, and my happiness to survive, thats total crap, and its of the outdated paradigm that no longer serves us or the planet. Notice how that old way of thinking as a society began driving this planet into the ground? It NO longer serves. I choose to live in love, where things come easy. Life is fun, amazing, and beautiful. What we believe we create! The intentions are totally amazing, but all they are is total projections of this warped perception of life. So many people think we live in a hard, scary, REAL world. My faith in the Universe/God goes through and through. I live, breathe, practice, and BELIEVE it to my core. Our feelings are contagious, spread love instead of this fear thing that isnt actually real. Get with the times, and spread the love, my lovelies!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 03:58:56 +0000

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