How many of you LOVED the Sopranos? How many of you own a copy of - TopicsExpress


How many of you LOVED the Sopranos? How many of you own a copy of Scarface or The God Father? How many of you loved or still love playing Grand Theft Auto? These GLAMORIZE criminals just as much as if not MORE than this Rolling Stone cover. You have now become you parents. So paranoid that the younger generation is going to be so insane that they will go bombing places just because he ( the surviving Boston Bomber) is on the magazine cover. If you really think thats gonna happen? If that is what DOES IT it set off a kid onto a path like that, than what about all these film and video games? If your child does it who is to blame? the magazine or YOU? Right there is the problem. You who blame the magazine arent accepting responsibility for your own responsibility. You would rather know less about the cause of the cause of the tragedy , you want to understand less so you have no human connection to another human that did a horrible thing adn as i have said before is a piece of shit that death is too good for because its an easy way out, you would rather act like he doesnt exist than hear a side that isnt a fanatical talk to me about him when he is dead scenerio. Its not an article defending him by any means. its just an article that tells you about him. The glamour of information. I guess if you know more of the situation it makes it glamorous. No wait, its only because of the name of the publication that people are mad. Thats all. That is what is really it. Its all about a name and what you expect from it. they told you the criminals story while he is still relevant in the mainstream media and you all had a fit about it. I wonder how many of you if i looked on your facebook pages, loved some movie glamorizing criminal, a killer. How many of you watch things based on true stories or tragedy or of some crime. How many of you are hypocrites offended by something you have ALREADY seen an werent offende day because there was a different name attached to the people using the photo. You say because they use it for profit? SO? You watch the news and the news isnt a NON Profit. You were okay with the news reporting on it and using this photo. Why not Rolling Stone?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:43:01 +0000

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