How many sects are there in Shia? What are the differences of - TopicsExpress


How many sects are there in Shia? What are the differences of their faiths? 1. Sabaiyyah Sect: The founder of this sect is Abdullah bin Saba. Basis of their beliefs are; Ascribing Uluhiyyat (praying and obeying only to ) to Hazrath Ali (Ra) and his descendants. They claim that Hazrath Ali (as) is not death, the one who has died was a Satan incognito as Ali (Ra). Hazrath Ali (Ra) ascended to heaven. Thunder is his voice; flash of lightening is his scourges clatter. 2. Kamiliyyah Sect: According to this sect, Imamate (duties and rank of Imam) is a nur (heavenly light). One other attribute of imam is prophet at the same time. These people claim that sahaba (Companions of Prophet) are unbelievers. 3. Ulyaniyyah Sect: The followers of this sect who pray and obey to Hazrath Ali (Ra) and to his descendants claim that Hazrath Ali (Ra) sent Hazrath Mohammad (pbuh) as a messenger. 4. Mughapriyyah Sect: They say that Allah (swt) has a shape of a mortal man and carries a crown, which is made of a heavenly light and believe so many other outdated superstitions that would even amaze Satan himself. 5. Mansuriyyah Sect: Imams are blameless; prophets are not free from mistakes. Imams are higher in ranks. They believe such like superstitions and myths. 6. Hatabiyyah Sect: According to them world is eternal. There is no Hell. They do not accept Haram (anything that is prohibited by faith), or Halal (anything that is permissible under Islam). 7. Hashimiyyah Sect: They think of Allah in shape of a human. 8. Numaniyyah Sect: They are also called as Sataniyyah Sect. Just like Hashimiyyah Sect, they think of Allah in shape of a human. 9. Yonusiyyah Sect: They claim that Allah sits on a throne and the angels always see Him. 10. Nasriyyah Sect: They claim that Allah penetrated into Hazrath Ali (as) and his descendants. That is to say they became a united whole. 11. Canahiyyah Sect: They drivel by claiming that Allahs spirit was with Hazrath Adam and passed to the other Prophets and to the twelve Imam. 12. Gurabiyyah Sect: These sects members by defending an opininion of Hazrath Alis (Ra) likeness to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) claim that Angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by mistake. 13. Zarrariyyah Sect: They believe that all the other attributes of Allah except the Life Attribute came into being afterwards. 14. Zarramiyyah Sect: They say that Imamet came down from Ali (Ra) to his son Mohammad Hanafi and from him to the others. 15. Mufavizzah Sect: They are in dark by saying that Allah created Prophet Mohammad and he created the heavens and earth and the universe. 16. Badahiyyah Sect: Their situation is much weirder than the others are. They claim that Allah created his creations without thinking of their pasts and futures. 17. Banaiyyah Sect: Just like Nasriyyah Sect they believe in becoming one (Allah and Hazrath Ali and his descendants) 18. Salahiyyah Sect: They are mutazillah (man is the owner of his acts and they negate the effects of fate) in faith, Hanafis (school of the oldest of the four schools of thought or jurisprudence within Sunni Islam. The Hanafi sect named after its founder, Abu Hanifa) in practice. 19. Sulaymaniyyah Sect: They accept Hazrath Abu Bakrs (Ra) and Hazrath Omars (as) Imamate however reject of their being imam prior to Hazrath Ali. 20. Imamiyyah Sect: According to them, Hazrath Mohammad (pbuh) appointed Hazrath Ali (Ra) as imam personally and he was the one who can choose the following imams because of Hazrath Mohammads will. 21. Garrudiyyah Sect: They claim that the words of our Prophet about Imamet clearly refer to Hazrath Ali (Ra) and blame Companions of Prophet of being blasphemous. 22. Ismailiyyah Sect: By the followers of this sect under the cover of religion, it had been tried to be founded a kingdom. Under the leadership of Ubaydullah whom was one of the descendants of ibn-i Meymoon it became an Empire spreading from Damascus to Morocco. After 270 years of ruling, it fell in the year 570 (Islamic calendar). These are also called as Batinis. They, by keeping their imams distinct from others consider them as being approved by the divine enlightenment. According to them, their imams are blameless, they do not make mistakes, and they do not sin. They cannot be responsible for their acts because they know things, which anybody cannot.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 13:10:22 +0000

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