How much happiness does basketball give you? the doctor asks. I - TopicsExpress


How much happiness does basketball give you? the doctor asks. I told him it was huge to me. Huge. Three days a week for years. I even have keys to the local Rec center where they let us open it after hours...sometimes playing to 1am in the morning. If it were my knee, Id stop. Then he went on with a whole litany of reasons and MRI results as confirmed by colleagues. Sheared cartilage, floating jagged piece that can damage ligaments, divot missing from medial something or other, degenerative condition on the load-bearing joint, fluid buildup, and other medical jargon. For surgery...they have to remove the floating piece, see how the knee responds. The problem area would require drilling through the femur and then going on a fishing expedition that could make it worse just as easily as it could do nothing. They cant try a cartilage transplant because of the location and because its such a deep gouge. Speaking honestly? Yes, please. Your knee is a wreck and its going to give you trouble for the rest of your life. Arthritis is inevitable and probably the best case scenario. Well attack it in stages and see how it responds but the style of play youre used to is most likely over. I know it probably seems trivial, being just basketball, but its such a monstrous part of my life and my escape. Ill probably ignore all that and drive the knee into the ground so I can play but he showed me where the weaknesses were and said I risk a debilitating injury if I push the knee beyond its limits. So, sorry for the novel, but its hard to just caption something like this. As silly as it may sound to some, its devastating for me.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 22:04:16 +0000

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