How old is our Pyramid? Dating the structures in the Bosnian - TopicsExpress


How old is our Pyramid? Dating the structures in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids is a vexed question. We look for cultural material to tie us to specific peoples, artefacts, tool kits and so on. A more efficient dating technique is Carbon Dating- this is the process by which the C14 isotope present in all organic matter is measured at a know Decay rate. C14 is present in 1part per trillion (0.0000000001%), The natural source of carbon14 on Earth is cosmic ray action upon nitrogen in the atmosphere. Ok, so why the Science lesson- well we have just received back two C14 dates from a laboratory in the Ukraine. Samples where cycled for 3,000 minutes each! And the results: 1- Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun- In June our 1st shift extracted a sample (ref photo) of organic material from the clay layer that sits between the outer concrete casing of the pyramid and the 2nd internal concrete layer. The Pyramid is constructed in layers of Concrete/Clay between, Concrete/Clay x 6 - immense engineering and immensely strong @up to 134m/p’s. And the date = 29,200 years +/- 400 years BP (Before Present)! That’s a long, long, long time before the advent of civilisation as ‘they’ would have us believe. This Pyramid is of truly ancient antiquity. A copy of the certified laboratory test results is included. 2- Ravne Tunnel Complex- Ok, so Ravne- in June we commenced opening an access tunnel through the conglomerate (the material Ravne exists within). Immediately we started to recover some extremely interesting rock artefacts and this is also where we found the monolithic ‘Egg’ (pictured) buried under tens of thousands of tons of conglomerate and this is where we found organic material. To the date = 20,100 years +/- 300 years BP! What is going on. Here we have culturally modified material being recovered from a layer not NEWER than 20,100 years old? The link between the Pyramid of the Sun and Ravne Tunnels is closing in quickly. All Pyramids have tunnel systems associated. Geophysics tells us these two systems are inter-related and comprise a complex system. That is at the heart of our investigations. © T G Moon 2013
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 05:34:33 +0000

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