How opposition plot to derail and destabilize Edo State Government - TopicsExpress


How opposition plot to derail and destabilize Edo State Government By John Mayaki The mandate for the development of Edo State under Governor Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole is increasingly becoming high and hard due to an unreasonable and violently destructive opposition; the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) with the appendages of some members of the ruling party (APC) who cross-carpeted to the opposition (PDP) in the midst of scarce economic resources. My concern is that, a serious and well-intentioned opposition has a duty to keep a government alive to its responsibilities, guarantees extreme care in the preparation and formulation of programmes and underlines the need for sponsors of legislation to be able to justify their proposals. The essence of the opposition in a well-established democracy, if it is to be of benefit, is that it must be constructive as this is the strength of the opposition in the established democracies of the world. They recognize that they, together with the government of the day, proceed from the major premise that they have a joint aim; to advance the welfare of the people. Both have a vital part to play in the building of the state and speeding of its development; the government initiates, while the opposition is constructively critical, if need be. But, what we see in Edo State in recent times is the ganging up of the opposition party members with some disgruntled elements who want political power relinquished to them on a platter of gold and as such embark on a policy of obstructing the government, without devising a program on which they would base an alternative one. Their policies have been narrow in concept and often violent, abusive and terroristic and their first port of call is the State House of Assembly. For the past couple of months, the people of Edo state have become unwilling spectators in the unfolding drama that is being played out in connection with the affairs in the House of Assembly. On the 9th of May, 2014, three members of the Assembly, approached the Federal High Court in Benin city wherein they sought and obtained an ex-parte order of interim injunction restraining the Speaker and the Legislative arm of government from declaring their seats vacant and or suspending them pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice which they also filed in the same suit. The Federal High Court while granting an injunction restraining the Speaker and the House from declaring the seats of the Applicants vacant however refused the prayer for an injunction restraining the Applicants from being suspended from membership of the House. The court held that, “that the disciplinary power of the House is not subject to the judicial review of the Court, accordingly the supplication to restrain the 2nd Respondent from suspending the applicants from the House is hereby refused.” On the 9th of June, 2014, the Assembly suspended 4 of it’s members and this was done within the powers duly recognized by His Lordship, Justice A. M. Liman in the ruling above and as provided for under Order 38 of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Assembly. The Assembly again proceeded to the court over failure of the said members to comply with the suspension order and the court, on the 11th of June, 2014, granted an order restraining the said 4 suspended members along with the Inspector General of Police, Zone 5, and the Edo State Commissioner of Police from, “forcibly gaining entrance into the premises and Legislative Quarters of the 3rd claimant or howsoever interfering with the sitting activities and other functions of the 3rd claimant pending the determination of the motion on notice”. It is disheartening and stupefying that this court order was neither complied to nor obeyed but in this same state, former Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Obayuwana was committed to jail over contempt of court. State agents have virtually become the enforcement wing of the PDP and have aided their legislators to break into the Assembly Complex in the pretext of holding plenary. Their approach, to me, is suggestive of an end in itself rather than an instrument for securing better condition for the people. The measure of their intent is that they seek to add to the difficulties of government and heighten the obstacles which need to be overcome so that, with a breakdown of administration, they may get a chance of grasping the reins of office. Before now, the complex was earmarked for renovation and work was ongoing, and as such, members moved to the old Legislative Chambers for plenary. Recall that in 1999, Speaker Thomas Okosun made use of this facility and there is no law or statue barring Honourable members from sitting there to allow for the completion of renovation works at the Assembly complex but surprisingly, the police have continued to block access road into the city centre, (Ovonranwen Square) consequently causing untold economic hardship and social dislocations for unsuspecting citizens. In what seems like a script, the police, on the 7th of July 2014, assisted the PDP legislators to break into the Assembly Complex under renovation and pretended to have held plenary. This is a complete mockery of democracy and a slap on the rule of law. Inspite of these provocations, the APC lawmakers and party faithfuls have remained peaceful, approaching the issues by legal means but the PDP and their legislators have threatened fire and brimstone and repeatedly boasted of using the Federal Might at their disposal in destabilizing the state. Elsewhere, however, the opposition is set in the context of an alternative overall programme of government. The Labour Party in Britain for example, follows a political doctrine opposed to that of the Conservative Party. Ideologically, they are widely removed and there are clashes over such concepts as nationalization. There remain, however, broad issues of internal and foreign affairs, but where there is a community view, the opposition will make helpful suggestions but will not irresponsibly oppose. Therein lies the strength of that democracy. The opposition in Edo cannot boast this same sense of responsibility and maturity. So far, it has been mostly destructive. As such these dissident persons from APC, in conjunction with the PDP are busy pursuing individualistic or particularistic aims opposed to the development of the state. Therefore, permit me to report to you that the situation in Edo is peculiar just as the opposition, deprived of popular support, look around for a means to undermine the popular wish of the people and its people-oriented government found in its separatism politics that have resulted to grand inducement of persons to decamp from the state ruling party to the national ruling party and possibly impeach the Governor and then take over government. It is my hope and desire that you kindly look into these issues and see how you can assist in redirecting our opposition to its responsibilities and collective development. In this melee, Governor Oshiomhole has, however, not found himself drawn into the milieu of unnecessary, misplaced and bias attempt to place false values on his modest achievements to which the opposition and his worst critics agreed to. He does not believe in the silencing of the opposition because of his believe in ‘spiritual balance’; the philosophy of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe in his quest for a new Africa. Therefore, there is a wide range of space for the opposition in the state just as the government of Oshiomhole gave them free rein to vent their spleen and some of them were over-generous in the uncomplimentary adjectives used in their media war against him. Their aspersions and verbosities against Oshiomhole, if nothing, is preposterous and the Edo public will bear him (Oshiomhole) out as to how he has treated his political opponents or labour issues whenever there were grounds for disagreement of opinion. However, he has the spiritual balance to accept with equanimity, the vitriolic and vituperations which has continued unabated. Since he came on board, his doctrine of a new Edo that is economically viable and deterministic was enunciated. He has also advocated for a self-sufficient state in the event that oil dries up and as such, tries to build an economic foundation for the state which is necessary for any tangible form of progress. While not just reporting to you that Edo state is making progress in this regard, the opposition has dubbed Oshiomhole opposite. Their attack on the government has been so acrimonious especially charges that border on vague generalities. Oshiomhole, when he had reason to believe that a cause was worth fighting for, he exerted his efforts not in vindictive way but in a suasive and convincing way. When political slavery was almost enveloping Edo and injustice was done to his first year budget among other issues, he did not necessarily blindly rave and rant and abuse and wreck his victims or opponents. Rather, he conceded to them certain elements of human nature and made it clear that Edo people are not inferior to any godfather. He has among others, emancipated our minds and saved us from the bondage of our past and I have no doubt that a political resurgence is not just in the offing but has been ushered into the state. For example, the part that youth plays in Edo politics and in government of Oshiomhole has passed the stage of stupefaction. It is a reality too and if these spoon full of PDP cronies who think that because they have been, therefore, they will continue to be, more egious blunder could have been committed. The days of have been are over and the days of will be is here. However, the basis of Oshiomhole’s philosophy and the successful practicalization of his ideals have so far proved unassailable by his antagonists. And, am sure, with time, they would regret having made such vague remarks about him because, after all, it is very easy to criticize by denouncing and wrecking, but it is very difficult to criticize by lauding, where praise is due and by constructing. I concede to these antagonists, however, that they have right to their opinions but I have a responsibility to show that they are not justified in their opinions. While not trying to stop them from holding on to their opinion that would not bring about the Edo State of our desire rather, it would continue to perpetuate the elements of man’s inhumanity to man, lack of development, and corruption that was part and parcel of the old Edo so that they may realize, how they have attacked Oshiomhole, and Edo people quite unprovoked. One thing is inevitable; a new Edo. However, critics of this concept have often fallen into a common error of regarding it as advocating ultra-radical and ultra-revolutionary changes in the social order by all means, fair or foul. Some of these critics have their axes to grind. But to the honest critics, I aver by challenging them to re-read the “Oshiomhole story of a new Edo” and they will discover that they have been laboring under a misapprehension. There must be changes in order to have a new order; true. So also radical and revolutionary changes. But, I have never advocated that these radical and revolutionary changes should crystallize through foul means as the forces of fascism, which sought to destroy the vestige of democracy in Edo, are wont. Therefore, the new Edo is bound to be. Criticism cannot destroy it. The conception of an idea is as indestructible as the concept and ideas are capable of realization. Evidences are not wanting on gradual encroachment of a new Edo and the Oshiomhole story on the strongholds of old Edo, despite misinterpretations and distortions so as to paint the new Edo and its protagonists in lurid colors. I think it is incumbent upon me at the threshold of a new era in the history of Edo State to direct the attention of the opposition to, and to emphasize the fact that in the period of our socio-economic life now opening, old habits of political, social and economic thought and action must be discarded and a new political ideology adopted and a higher moral conception of public and social duty and obligation accepted. This by no means implies that the fundamental principles of liberty and democracy which form the basis of our national organization should be abandoned, but that they should be given a new interpretation consistent with the urgent need to build a strong, progressive state, each part and function of which shall be dominated by a definitive national conception and motivated by a single will which Comrade Oshiomhole represents. Again, every step towards this progress and development must be planned in advance and every social political, cultural or governmental function must be concentrated on the realization of these objectives sought. No discordant voice should be permitted to break the rhythm of the state’s harmony, as a disciplined Oshiomhole needs the co-operation of all to deliver those principal and irrevocable aims of government irrespective of political ideology or lining. Therefore, I humbly call on President Goodluck Jonathan, the various security agencies, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, The National Human Rights Commission, well meaning Nigerians and Edo people both home and abroad to prevail on those acting as clogs in the wheel of progress in Our Dear State to desist forthwith to forestall breakdown of law and order. John Mayaki, a member, Coalition for Good Governance and Economic Justice in Africa wrote this personal notes on the plot to derail, and destabilize as well as the challenges confronting the Adams Oshiomhole led government to President Goodluck Jonathan, Chief Justice of Nigeria, Human Rights Commission, Civil Society Organisations, Nigerians and Edo people home and abroad.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 12:36:15 +0000

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