How should,or how dare we measure, the past atrocities of - TopicsExpress


How should,or how dare we measure, the past atrocities of murderous acts against our Ancestors.And the direct,and present descendants of our Ancestors.As if the past being the past, should be allowed to conceal and exonerates the actions of this nation.In allowing and enabling,our pastors and black leaders to do so with the silence of our consent.As We also as a race of people,devalue the life of our Ancestors.While giving the Descendants of the Genocidal Murderers of our Ancestors.As well as a license,empowered by the fear of our cowardly black pastors,the two faced treachery of black leadership.Which is renewed as a license at the beginning of every year,with a M.L.K.jr.celebration,endorsed with the silence of our consent.A lesson of the past,clothed in a warning,thats ignored by a race of people.Whose fed a poisonous religion, by black pastors void of power,or courage to confront and oppose the murderers.Of their own race of people,are guilty by association with the white secular,and Religious Leadership of this city,and this Nation.To gain a reasonable understanding of this post revolves around the post,which was posted by me lastnight.All of us as a race,as well as our enemies will hear what God has purposed to say through me.And that which He have purposed to say will be heard,and its expected of you,all of you,to attempt to prevent it from being heard.None of you will even be allowed to get close enough towards me to discover if it possible to silence me.But theres always somebody that have to see for themselves if such is possible.Well as many can plainly see,my faith isnt in a battalion of black men,or the four walls of a church house cage full of defenseless,spiritually underfed church members.But thats for a time of God,s own choosing,because that which is about to happen is going to open the eyes of a great many black people in this city.Because a great many of black male so called church members,and black pastors.Is going to be condemned,rebuked.By what God has,and will,enable me to do in this city,because God is going show your wives and your women.What all of them already know and thats this youre not of God,and youre utterly defenseless before your enemies.When this city disolved that contract of section eight behind a false inspection,they knew that it was only a matter of time before my Mother died out there in the streets.The shelters had their doors closed,the pastors black,and otherwise viewed me as much as an enemy as these racists in this city.Because it rubbed them raw,that i was on section eight,while denouncing,as well as utilizing section eight.But Im on Section Seven now,which is centered around provoking,and preventing all from doing anything helpful,for yourselves,and your families.Everything that hateful,and harmful towards yourselves,and your families will be in pursuit of all of you as an enemy who seek to take your lives.Just as God enabled me to care for my Mother,and i,while we were out there in the streets.So likewise will God enabled me to give myself totally,and completely over to Him.For the purpose of being spiritually predisposed towards empowering,and ensuring you,and your families destruction.Since many pride yourselves on bringing those you deem fit to justice.Then Im no less enabled to be enabled to throw all of you at the feet of God,s Judgment of all of you.Who supported,who endorsed,and implemented an attempt to blame me for the murder of my Mother if she had died out there in the streets.For hundreds of years,the Ancestors of my race of people were in the hands,of your Genocidal Ancestors.At this time all of us will see,if their descendants have the means,the opportunity,and power.To deliver themselves out of God,s intent to enable me to facilitate the Judgment,that going to descend on this nation.And while being enabled to do so the gulf that appears to exist between me,and my Bride will ceast to exist along with my enemies,but dont be discouraged,it will be many more to take your place.Because its time for all of youll to start dying now.But who knows maybe you can continue to appear to hold the upper hand,yeah right.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 22:31:34 +0000

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