How to Train Your Brain for stop worrying and to be positive and - TopicsExpress


How to Train Your Brain for stop worrying and to be positive and to be happy One of the biggest problems I see people suffering from is that they waste their precious brainpower on thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that cannot possibly help them move closer to their desires. Worrying is a waste of resources. Depression is a waste of resources. Making excuses is a waste of resources. People know this, yet they still invest their brainpower in these pointless patterns. I think the main reason is that these people havent trained their brains for good behavior. After slacking off for so many years, these brains behave like untrained dogs, When you catch your brain doing something you dont consciously like, such as worrying needlessly, do you let it continue? Thats a mistake unless you want to encourage more of the same. Since worrying is largely pointless and unproductive, it makes more sense to tell your brain know that this behavior is unacceptable, and immediately set it going in a different direction. You can start by getting your brains attention and telling it to stop. When you catch your brain doing something you dislike, I encourage you to actually say aloud: No, you dont do that. Thats wrong. Cut that out immediately. Then quickly instruct your brain on what you want it to do instead: Thats a given. Put those 100 billion neurons to good use, and devise a solution to this challenge that satisfies my criteria. Go work on that now, and bring it to my conscious attention when you have something worthy of presenting. Youd be surprised at how well this works. If your brain is wasting its energy on worry, fear, anger, loneliness, circular thinking, or distraction, perhaps you havent given your subconscious mind a problem or task worthy of its status . After all, its an amazingly powerful supercomputer. Your brain craves a good challenge. Its well adapted for creative problem solving. You may not be able to consciously control your brain at all times, but you can definitely take charge of it on certain occasions, such as when you catch it doing something self-destructive. Its not all bad news, though. For starters, regular mental exercise may increase your life expectancy. sudoku puzzle game or playing chess is good brain exercises If youre really looking for some brain- boosting benefits, physical exercise is an extremely effective way to exercise your mind—and youre killing two birds with one stone One project. One idea. I know we havent done that before, but I believe youre smart enough to figure it out. We know its possible, so there must be a way to do it. If you have to replace some old limiting beliefs to accomplish this, you have permission to do that. But you dont have permission to violate my values. Your solution must still be honest, honorable, and ethical no matter what. Now go figure this out. I know you can do it. Keep your brain busy solving problems that align with your goals. Your brain loves this. A challenge lights it up. Its very good at this. But you must train and reward it properly. Athletes treat their muscles as entities to be trained, and that approach works well for them. Would you rather be a mental athlete with a well-trained brain... or a mental couch potato with an untrained one? In your head you have this amazing supercomputer that you can assign any task or problem to, and it can compute a solution in the background, bringing it to your conscious attention when its done. This works for business challenges, financial challenges, social challenges, and relationship challenges. Lumosity is a webapp that provides specialized brain-training activities. You can use it for free, but premium accounts (which you can try free for five days) have a wider range of training options. All the exercises are pretty simple to understand and are fun to play. All of my initial exercises had to do with memory, likely because I selected better memory as one of my goals when I signed up. Thats to say that Lumositys exercises may vary for you based on the information you provide. When youre done, you get a rating and your goal is simply to improve with each day you practice. Try this for yourself, and see how well it works for you. If you get into the habit of treating your brain like a brilliant supercomputer, albeit one that requires supervision and training, I think youll like the results. Your brain is surely capable of creating abundant, happy, and fulfilling life for you. Believe it or not, you can improve your concentration and slow down your day-to- day life with meditation without ever uttering . All you need is your breath Your brain is brilliant. Instruct it clearly and firmly. And reward and adjust its behavior as needed.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:00:50 +0000

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