How to battle Terrorists and Terrorism in the Way of Jesus. - TopicsExpress


How to battle Terrorists and Terrorism in the Way of Jesus. This feels like an immensely practical discussion - this is not pie-in-the-sky or armchair theology. Not when people are dying at the hands of terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Israel and Palestine - probably as I write this. I believe all theology is practical - and this would be somewhere near the top. If you havent read my previous posts on this, you might want to scroll down and do that first - some very good, thoughtful discussion as well (which Ive appreciated). Ive basically stated that I believe the way of Jesus is the way of non-violence. Period. Without exception. This is not my idea - I believe its Jesus. He says that we overcome evil with good. ISIS and Al Qaeda as best I can tell, are pure evil. How do we overcome evil - with good. The words of God. Jesus was smart - I believe he had long term strategies for overcoming evil and short-term strategies as well. The long term was to bless, pray for and love your enemies. This is preventative. The short term was to, turn the other cheek, do not take revenge and overcome evil with good. This is not passive. The cross was the most aggressive and violent act of history. Were not talking about laying down, rolling over and playing dead - not at all. This is an in-your-face, win-at-all-cost strategy that Jesus himself employed and many others have followed. It works 100% of the time. We know that because Jesus said to do it, and weve seen it in history. Whats interesting about this strategy of Jesus, you dont even have to be a Christian to employ it. If the Yazidis, the Kurds, the Iraqi or Syrian Christians, the Israelis or the Palestinians would use it they would win. Maybe not immediately - but they would eventually. 100% guarantee. But alas, its hard. War is much easier. And Im not preaching AT anyone here - it is for me too. When someone hurts me, for sure, my first instinct is to hurt them back. If someone hurts one that I love - I want to rip their head off. Im not Mother Teresa (just in case you were wondering). But Im training myself to think like Jesus. Its the most difficult thing Ive ever done - and Im not very good at it. I just want to invite you along in the process....
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 20:33:05 +0000

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