How to develop and sustain a positive attitude. #1 Positive - TopicsExpress


How to develop and sustain a positive attitude. #1 Positive Attitude in Your Heart: Passion Passion and a positive attitude are directly linked. When you have passion for your business everything else falls in line much more easily. Unfortunately, you cannot develop passion for your business. You either have it or you do not. Hopefully, when you started your business it was something that you felt very strongly about. If not, if you’ve never had passion for your business consider starting a business that you are passionate about. Learn from this and move forward. Now, passion can wane. It can come and go. The secret to sustaining passion for your business is actually intricately linked with an entrepreneurial mindset. When you’re looking for ways to grow and improve your business, passion grows with the activity, the changes and the opportunities you pursue. #2 Positive Attitude as a Habit: Create a Success Habit When you are able to consistently set goals and achieve them, you’ll create a pattern of success and a positive attitude. Success of course feels great. It helps you stay focused on what you can do, what you do well, and where you want to go. That’s the essence of a positive attitude. Not sure where to start? Create a realistic but motivating goal – a goal that you feel very good about. Create a series of smaller goals to help you achieve your big goal. Plan how you’re going to achieve each smaller goal. As you succeed with each smaller goal, take a moment to celebrate the success. #3 Positive Attitude in Action: Acknowledge, Assess, and Release Having a positive attitude all the time is not possible and it will not always come easily. Doubts, fears and negative thought can sneak in. No one is positive all the time. When you have moments of doubt, fear and negative thoughts recognize the emotion. Assess where it is coming from and why it is occurring. It may take some time if you’re prone to negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. What’s a limiting belief? Here are a few common examples, • “This is never going to work.” • “I am such a terrible ____” • “I’m bad with ________” • “The only way to succeed is with luck.” • ”I always mess this up.” If you frequently experience thoughts like these then it’s vitally important to spend some time refocusing your thoughts. Think about what you do well. Examine where the negative thoughts are coming from and why they occur. Assess whether they’re really true and what you can do about them. Part of the process of developing a positive attitude is learning to recognize your negative thoughts, this way you have the option of changing your mind. #4 Positive Attitude in Your Words: Positive Affirmations We all struggle with limiting beliefs and doubts. To help you develop a positive attitude, turn fears, limiting beliefs and doubts into positive affirmations. For example, “I am bad at writing” can turn into “I am a good communicator. I know my strengths and weaknesses and am wise enough to delegate and focus on my strengths.” Repeat the affirmation each time negativity seeps into your thoughts helping you develop your positive attitude. Make a habit of repeating the positive affirmation regularly. Make it part of your inner dialogue. #5 Positive Attitude in Your Mind: Visualization Visualization is a powerful tool. It not only helps you foresee potential obstacles to success, it helps you feel successful and positive about your actions. Visualization, like most things, is a skill. Some people are born with exceptional visualization skills; however most of us can use some improvement. When you’re beginning to use visualization, you will likely begin by simply seeing what is happening in your imagination. However, adding your senses will not only enhance the experience, it will amplify the results. Sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing can all be integrated into your visualizations. Practice visualization. The better you become at visualization the faster you will achieve success. You’ll be better able to tap into positive thoughts, feelings and a sense of success and achievement. When you’re feeling negatively, sit down and visualize success. It will become part of your DNA if you embrace positive thoughts on such a deep level. #6 Positive Attitude in Your Environment: Surround Yourself with Positive People The people in your life can play a very critical role in your attitude. Surrounded by negative people and naysayers? Consider asking them for support. Consider also finding a mentor, coach or mastermind group to help you stay focused and positive. Let go of the people in your life who cannot or will not support you. Embrace those who support you and share the same outlook. That doesn’t mean you surround yourself with “yes men.” You don’t need people who simply agree with you. Instead look for those who are also positive, motivated and share the same vision. A positive outlook and motivation are intricately linked. You cannot feel motivated if you also don’t feel good about what you’re doing and where you’re going. The more you practice having a positive attitude the easier it will be to maintain, put these six strategies to work and be consistent. It will become a way of life before you know it! What about you? How do you stay positive?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 22:40:32 +0000

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