How to have bad manners. (I cannot stop writing these - TopicsExpress


How to have bad manners. (I cannot stop writing these things.) 1. Speak loudly in the presence of others. 2. Let your children run and scream in public. 3. Clip your nails in public. I had a student do this once in class. 4. Eat in a classroom. 5. Speak with gum in your mouth. 6. Crack your knuckles in public. 7. Show a hideous tattoo. 8. This may seem rude, but ask yourself if your speaking voice is annoying or grating. Ask someone you know. If so, work on it. You can even get voice therapy. You will utter millions of words in life. Why not try to make them pleasant sounding? 9. Dont spit in public. I especially hate it when men (yes only men) open a car door and then expectorate on the ground below the door. What class! 10. If you are a man, fail to open a door for a woman. 11. Wear a tank of perfume or cologne if you want to. Who cares if others may not like the scent or are allergic to it? 12. Jay walk, especially in heavy traffic. Its cool and why should you play by the rules? 13. Develop your road rage skills, especially when it endangers others or yourself. 14. Dont turn down your high powered lights (brights) when another car is coming the opposite way. 15. Do not contain episodic bodily noises. 16. Do not show respect to the aged, as in helping them reach for groceries, letting them come before you in lines, being patient when they drive slowly. They are just old and in the way. Who cares that the Bible says to respect our elders?! 17. Dont bother with please and thank you. It wastes time. 18. Get your clues on how to live from most popular culture, especially films and TV shows. 19. Take and post endless selfies. 20. Never adjust your language to your audience. It takes too much *)%& work. 21. Learn as many lewd gestures as possible and use them often. You have to express yourself.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:08:51 +0000

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