How to identify New Age BS. There are many versions to the - TopicsExpress


How to identify New Age BS. There are many versions to the idea of what is considered New Age BS but there are keys to ensuring we do not fall for a controlled opposition, or simply an immature or amateur version of what New Age BS really is. First of all, like Mark Passio has mentioned there is a common enemy to the welfare of humankind. In these times the most important thing to do is unite in contrast to divide. Since the whole of humankind has been dramatically divided by the common enemy, uniting will come with great advantages if we expect to fight the common enemy and end the madness it has bred. This means that anything that is dividing us, is as big of an obstacle as the ones placed by the enemy or a New Age BS ideology. 1. Know your enemy - Bilderberg group vigilantcitizen/latestnews/bilderberg-2014-full-list-official-attendees/ - The Double Headed Eagle ( Vatican ) which resides mostly in Switzerland, Paris and all State of entities eg. D.C. - Your enemy is not your common Facebook commenter, mad arguments are simply your energy being expended 2. Remember you are a slave cast into a Matrix and your purpose is to provide Energy, in simple terms you are a battery. extremetech/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/duracell_matrix.jpg - !!! The White Light Trap!!! If you have not heard about it, please read this trickedbythelight/tbtl/light.shtml . It is one of the biggest keys to identifying New Age BS. Anything that propagates going to the white light after death is subconscious programming to be able to recycle your soul as it leaves your body when you die. - Every feeling and every emotion you experience has a certain polarity and a charge, positive or negative. The more you allow your emotions to control you, the better battery you are, the sooner you will age. - Duality is one of the best ways to harvest your energy, anything that will trigger emotion in you must be acknowledged as a means to drain your energy. Television is the worse thing to turn to, as it will almost always trigger dualistic emotions. Sports, Mainstream News/Movies/Music etc. - The war on consciousness is all about Duality, Left/Right, Black/White, etc. In order to avoid falling into duality, one should practice acknowledging only what is between (Left | Center | Right . Black | Red (or Grey) | White). This means that even if the opposition is not a controlled opposition, it may still trigger dualistic situations. Let no one trigger your energy by making you fall into a dualistic situation. - All Religion is created to make the White Light Trap easier, if you must remain religious then by all means do so, but do not fall for the trap unless you desire to exist in the Matrix. - Although your emotions are a form of energy that is being harvested outside of the Matrix, this does not mean they are a bad thing. As long as you are able to conquer yourself and your emotions, and have the willpower to redirect the energy, it can also be used to benefit you / humanity . If you ever become angry, think about this metaphor: A person has collected a large pile of lumber, enough to keep his camp going for the entire winter. When many people become angry, they may often do things they might regret later because the emotion overpowered them. Let us suppose the person for whatever reason has become so furious and angry that he dumps the entire pile of lumber onto the campfire. The fire lights up a great perimeter and a few things might even end up being burned, the fire is scorching and blazing but throughout the night the fire starts to become weaker, the next night the fire is almost out, the person then realizes they expended a seasons worth of fuel. If the person was able to control his/her anger, then they might have even ended up with spare lumber for the next year, making their next collection less difficult and time consuming. In fact the energy that was created through the anger could have been used to collect more lumber, and the person could even go further to create things with the lumber such as a hut, a table, a stool, etc. rather than burning it all. - For the most part, anything could be good or bad depending on ones ability to modify, filter, analyze, or make use of the object/subject . Sometimes the center is not apparent and one must blend the Black and the White themselves to obtain the Red(or Grey) and therein lies the truth. - Because of this dependency of ones ability, it may make the practice of obtaining the ability easier if one is to avoid judging anything, or at least until one has become skilled enough to be discerning. 3. Know that doing nothing about a situation that threatens your comfort, your existence, or justice in general is a strategy propagated by New Age BS. Anyone or anything that propagates that you should sit back and enjoy the ride such as the works of Eckhart Tolle are helping the injustice around the world continue. - As a human being, you are capable and have exceeding potential as does the whole of humankind, to create a world of justice, peace, and freedom without the need of any rule or governance. Let no one and no thing tell you otherwise. 4. You have access to infinite knowledge as long as you are not trapped in the Matrix, so although Karma may be real, it isnt entirely necessary. - The White Light Trap may sometimes project a sort of bait (temptation or a projection of a loved one) to lure you and convince you that you should go back to finish your karma and re-enter the Matrix. - The Idea of Karma is often used by the confused, unaware that it is unnecessary. For this reason you may encounter accidental New Age BS and you should be able to find better ideologies/philosophies elsewhere 5. People make mistakes, people can be confused. Not all New Age BS participants are as foolish as they seem, they may simply be confused because they have learned intuitively to avoid drama, violence, etc but might have ended up following the wrong ideology by accident. - An entire New Age BS ideology can be produced from this confusion but does not necessarily mean everything about it is wrong or distorted. 6. No human being is superior to another, we mostly have the same capacity to think and solve things and learn from our lessons. Therefore anyone who is treated or treats themselves as a superior being can reveal if they are a shrill, new Age BSer, or an immature/amateur spirit 7. Truth is rare and difficult to find, if you are interested in a greater truth, dont stop at just what one person has to say or one source, there are greater truths that take years to discover and many that are discovered every day. -Dont believe anything at 100% belief, always give a 1% chance of failure/falsity because as time flows, things will change, Anything or anyone asking you to believe something 100% (Religion) can be determined BS/New Age BS. To claim to understand God is to claim to have existed and traveled through many higher dimensions and experienced it, not even every book in the world put together could give us a clue to what it is, it must be experienced. 8. Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein - Judgment will never lead a person to enlightenment or spiritual alignment. The greatest teachers are able to transcend Judgment, therefore any person who is judging others 30% of the time or more, is spiritually immature/amateur, you could probably do a better job than them 9. Celebrities, Obama, Political/Religious leaders (Pawns, Kings, Bishops) are all part of the game, do not give them the attention they are planned to have, to be offended by any of these entities is to lack the maturity to stop being part of the game. To direct your attention to Obama, Nicki Minaj, Justin Beiber, etc without seeing the bigger picture, is to give them significance to your life. An amateur or BSer will have your attention dualistically drawn against these entities that are simply a front. 10. Learn symbolism, numerology, etymology, these will allow you to identify the common enemy if they are disguised as New Age BS These should hopefully help people have a better understanding of the term New Age BS, anyone is welcome to add their experiences or knowledge that can further allow others to identify the real New Age BS
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 14:48:52 +0000

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