How to prepare a baby room How to setup a baby room – - TopicsExpress


How to prepare a baby room How to setup a baby room – designing and decoration of a baby room is always difficult than developing any other part of the home because it is always possible that the thing you like may not be liked by the baby. Don’t be too late Do not wait until the last minute to prepare the nursery. The second trimester of pregnancy when you are not limited in your movements is ideal. Room: calm and soothing Your babys room should be a place dedicated to him/her. He / She should spend a lot of time n that room, especially the first few months. Ideally, the room should be close to yours and away from living areas where you may make noise when sleeping. Appropriate color The colors should be appropriate for an infant. If babies are particularly responsive to red, this color is also exciting. But you have to balance between soothing colors (light colors and pastel) and stimulating colors (bright). Most baby toys are brightly colored so use a soft color on the walls and if possible, washable coating. Note: the smell of paint (oil or latex) is not harmful to pregnant women. So you can paint the room yourself as long as you ventilate the room. However, do not use household products too powerful for the leaching of the walls. Optimum bed The bed is the most important furniture of the room, the purchase must be provided before the arrival of baby. It must meet safety standards and therefore be: Equipped with gates or an edge of at least 20 cm Devoid of blanket or pillow to avoid the risk of choking A round bed. The advantage of the round bed is that it avoids the baby to move the legs through the bars while sleeping, which might wake him up by moving. You can also install a gantry above the bed. Choose one that wins easily. You can then remove it when your baby sleeps. Finally, install the bed facing the door so you can monitor your baby with a single glance. Other type of kids bedroom furniture also plays a big role in preparing a perfect room for the baby. Babys room with smart storage To be soothing, your babys room should not look like Ali Babas cave. Do not hesitate to put furniture and storage. For example: A small closet suited to the size of baby’s clothes. Toy boxes on castors (with brakes). Changing table surrounded by all the material exchange and bath (unless you installed it in the bathroom) to be able to change easily. Also add a sofa, bed or easy chair where you feed your baby at night (rather than to sleep in the bedroom). Variable light Contrary to popular belief, a baby is not afraid of the dark. A pilot is not essential. However, it distinguishes the different phases of activity with light. Sift the light of the room before bedtime is a good option to prepare for sleep. To do this, install different lights with different intensities of light. Finally, equip the room with black curtains and close them at night. Note: Avoid halogen lamps, whose light is too aggressive. The room of a baby is a secure area To leave baby alone in the room without fear, you can also install: A fire alarm Radiators thermostat (to pay 18 or 19 ° C) A baby monitor, next to the bed without being within range Hold a door to prevent slamming More Tips Place a small sign Baby sleeping on the bedroom door. This invites the residents of the home and or your guests not to make too much noise. The preparation of babys arrival is not limited to the single room. The other pieces must also be attentive care. More generally, it is often necessary to change their habits to ensure the safety of baby at home. Author recommend to buy high quality wooden flooring, modern bed furniture and doors only from reputed furniture manufacturers. How to prepare a baby room baby.ezinemark/how-to-prepare-a-baby-room-7d300249eea6.html
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:26:51 +0000

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