How will America Again do this? It will be accomplished by a - TopicsExpress


How will America Again do this? It will be accomplished by a proprietary indictment engine, which will allow America Again and its prosecutors to chart and begin orchestrating specific targets for indictments based on their votes. Zuniga told Freedom Outpost, “Certain algorithms will be employed in order to determine whether a lawmaker has introduced unconstitutional legislation, co-sponsored it, passed it out of committee or voted for it.” Once the targets have been acquired, whether Democrat or Republican, America Again will push for a state grand jury to indict that representative. Upon an indictment, a plea bargain will be offered. Zuniga says that this plea bargain “will be like the deal offered to King John by the barons who wrote the Magna Charta in 1215 A.D.: agree in writing to our terms, or we put you in prison and have your assets seized.” The deal will also be offered to current members of Congress who have not yet been targeted if they will also comply with the terms offered by America Again. thedailysheeple/trey-gowdy-sought-as-chief-counsel-to-prosecute-corrupt-politicians-in-dc_042014
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 06:35:16 +0000

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