How would you honestly behave / feel if you were approached by two - TopicsExpress


How would you honestly behave / feel if you were approached by two men on your way back to your car in a dimly lit Parking lot at 10.00pm of an evening? Close your eyes and put yourself in that car park. Remember FEAR is the currency of the threatener. The Science of Asymmetrical Self Defense Training: The power of scenario based training is in providing the ability to overcome the negative effects of the adrenal fear rush that will occur in the stress of an actual assault and even in training. With decades and literally hundreds of thousands of adrenal stress scenarios under our belt, Fast Defence has learned empirically what real people do under real life stressful situations and how to overcome the common problems that arise. The Problem: When we humans are threatened, our body autonomically goes in to survival flight/freeze or fight mode. The primitive Amygdala sounds a general alarm, flooding our system with adrenaline and stress hormones which causes us to lose non essential physiological responses that can impede our ability to respond effectively. We experience: • Loss of fine motor control • Tunnel vision • Auditory exclusion • Distorted sense of time In addition, breathing becomes short and labored, escalating the above effects. The end result is very often a great deal of flailing and even total freeze-up in extreme cases when physical self defense is attempted. Self defense that does not deal with this phenomenon will most likely fail under pressure. The Solution Asymmetrical Adrenal Stress Scenario Based training has proven to be the very best and quickest way to overcome the negative effects of the adrenal rush and even to use the power of adrenaline to fight with the ferocity and force necessary to prevail against a real attacker. FAST Defense
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 09:07:29 +0000

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